Part 3- Summer 15: Week 3 🍀

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"So have you been texting Louis at all?" The older lad quizzed, panting as they peddled along the streets. "I haven't really spoke to Li or Nialler."

"Oh yeah! He's been asking whether he could come up the last week or not with Pez." Zayn answered.

"Really?! Well why don't we let them all come... the caravan is pretty spacious. The pull out bed in the living room is big for the lot of them."

"The lot of them?"

"Yeah... Louis, Perrie, Niall, Liam. Keep up babe!"

Zayn snorted , sometimes he really needed to use his head. He just didn't think before speaking most days. "Oh right yeah! They'd all love that!"

"I'm sure our mums won't mind , they'd probably stay with that Eric."

"Hmm maybe , though I don't really think I like the idea all too much." Zayn cringed.

"Which? The mates coming or the mothers staying with Eric?"

"The mothers staying with Eric! Haz did you see how much my mum gushed! The woman has a crush I ain't ready for a step dad."

"Oh baby... come on it's not that bad! I absolutely loved havin' Robin as a step dad! They genuinely fill up a place in you that you didn't realise needed filling! Trust me on that, I miss Robin everyday." Harry soothed.

"A-shit I'm sorry babe, I-I know you miss him a lot." Zayn mumbled.

"Yep, I really do. Especially right now with how me and mum are being lately. But it's ok, it's easy to forget when you're havin' the best of times." His boyfriend shrugged in response.

"He'd be really proud of you H, I know he would."

"Thankyou, mum said that too. I just wish she could be proud of me. And before you say she is, Z all she does lately is talk about how practical Niall is being going into sixth form to do Law. She clearly doesn't respect that I've chosen to do music. She wishes I could of chosen some dead end career."

"I'm sure that's not true, Bubz she loves you."

"I know she loves me and eventually she will come around to the idea... but for now, this is how it will be. Hopefully I make it big time soon huh?"

Zayn chuckled , shaking his head as he sighed.
"If you do, just remember you have a cute boy back home waiting for you yeah?"

"Always." Harry quickly piped.
"Z, I promise you that no matter what... you'll be the person I come home too. That I come to Wales for every single summer. That I spend every single second thinking about... I promise you."

"Well good... because I'll be the one cheering you on from a distance. I'll be the one who wakes up every morning to leave you good luck messages. I'll be the one who makes sure that no matter what , he FaceTimes just so he can tell you he loves you." He spoke, blushing as Harry came to a quick stop.

"W-wait what?"


Harry swallowed, lips fishing for the words he needed to spit out. His heart felt like it was going to burst from the amount of joy currently cursing through his veins.
"Y-you love me?"

"Oh." Zayn breathed, he knew he had said it. But he didn't realise just how important those words truly where to say until it was too late.
"I-I mean yeah... guess I always have really."

Harry just stared at him, mouth a gape.

"Y-you don't have to say it back H! But like.. can you stop with this staring thing it's really creepy!"

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