Chapter 1🌟

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I went out of the surgery room and splash my face with some cold water. I splash water to my eyes. I have been stressing them out for more than three hours now. Its always hard to do brain surgeries but as its my occupation I have to do it. And they say I am one of the best. Well, I had to do a lot to reach where I am today.

I was raised in a middle class family where there was no mother and father was too drunk to react. A step mother who is disgusting and a step brother who is only sweet to you so he can fuck you in the night in exchange of Chocolate.

At very young age I was sure of one thing that I had to get out of that house by all means. And thank god that I had brains. I completed my med school as one of the toppers and now I am a top class surgeon in one of the most reputed hospital in Daegu.

"Good job y/n" my co worker Hoseok congratulate me for the success of the surgery.

"Thank you Doctor Jung." I say as I wipe my face with a help of towel.

"Doctor y/n" the nurse shout out in the room.

"Yes." I say.

"Director Jeon wants to meet you in person now. Are you available?" She asked me as I got nervous. What have I done that the director of our company is wishing to meet me? I mean Jeon Jong Sew is one of the man I respect the most  but what he has to do with me?

"Yes, I am." I wear my white court and started to walk towards the director room.

As I reach to the room I knock still gulping my nervous system. "May I come in director Jeon?" I ask.

"Yes you may." I hear and reach to the room just to discover that director Jeon is sitting there with a man who seems younger than me but very attractive and handsome.

"Have a sit Miss. Park" director offered me and I saw the man gulping when he stares at me.

"Meet my son Jungkook." He said.

"Jeon Jungkook who is doing internee as under you from today

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"Jeon Jungkook who is doing internee as under you from today. Please Take a good care of him." I nod at him. He is sexy. Such a snack its a shame that I can't have him. 

"Hello, noona" Jungkook smiled at me.

"Hi, Doctor Jeon. I would prefer being called Doctor Park." I say strernly.

"Yes Doctor Park, I will keep that in mind for sure. Please take a good care of me." He bowed to me.

I nod my head. Intern. It will be a pain on the ass. I dont like people interference but he seems... I dont know.

"Jungkook, you are in the best hands you can leave now. I have some discussion with doctor Park here." Director Jeon as said. Jungkook nodded and left the chember immidiately.

"Doctor, I need a bit of your help for sake of you, me and this hospital." Director sir stated.

"Anything sir, it will be my pleasure." I say.

"So, our new investor Mr. Kim, who is one of Korea's most richest man is having some issues where only you can help." He stated. I gulp. How?

"I dint get you, director Jeon." I say.

"You see last night I was having a drink with him where I got to know that his mother is in coma for last four years. He has done a lot and lost his hope. So she is now in their home and her brain still works. So I certainly came up with your name and thought you might help him, I mean his mother" I sigh. There are many advantages of being your Bosses favourite but yea there are disadvantages. Like this. I sigh.

"Do I have to visit her? Or she can be shifted into hospital?" I ask. I have no other way now. Its for betterment of me and hospital. He is the investor.

"That's the problem. He does not want to move his mother. He seems... really strick. What do you say?" He look at me with hopeful eyes.

"Okay.. Tomorrow is weekend. So I will pay a visit to his place I guess" I say. He nodded.

"I knew you were Just the person. That's why I pay you three times than other doctors." He said handing me a card.

Kim Taehyung it says.

"Okay sir. I will go for my lunch now." I say.

"Also, Jungkook is a brat. Make him your shadow so I can trust him in future to hand over this hospital." He said. I nod. Fuck I am doomed. First with Jungkook and now with this Mr. Kim, he must be a middle aged man who drinks with Director Jeon. I am sure. Fuck my life.

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