Guns kept on shooting and people kept on screaming.

Before I could react everything became silent.

I looked around and people were laying on the floor covered in blood. I could feel some tears forming because of guilt but my mind just kept telling me to forget about it.

To move on.

I walk towards the people, women laying on the floor, marks from how hard they hold them. Men laying lifeless. Gunshots covering their body's.

"Well well." Elijah's voice sends chills down my body and my heart sunk knowing he is behind me.

"I guess you guys already saw each other." Elijah says knowing he is referring about Jason.

I looked next to me and Jason was looking at Elijah deadly, his jaw clenched and fist were white from how hard he was holding his grip.

"Why is he here?" I said. I looked at Jason, his grey eyes looking at mine.

"I guessed we needed a little help." Elijah says.


I lay there looking at my ceiling. My mind trying to clear everything that just happened but it always goes back to where it has always begun.


People dying because I didn't have the courage to help. Having people dying in front of me, their eyes pleading for help.

I could feel the knot down my throat, Tears filling my eyes and my chest started to hurt wanting to let it all out. To put an end to this but I am scared of screwing this up.

That all I did was for nothing. Killing the men that I killed, helping Elijah.

I heard a small knock on my door which distracted me from my thoughts. I stand up slowly and used my sleeves to clean my tears.

I open the door revealing the one who I least expected.


"What are you-

Before I could say something, his lips made contact with mine. His arms move around my waist pulling me closer to him.

The way our lips move in sync makes my heart flutter with excitement. He closes the door and immediately carries me towards the bed.

His body is firm but I could feel the way he relaxes with my touch. He puts me down gently and looks at me with passion and desire.

"Why are you here?" My words come out soft and gentle. I am still shook that he is here with me.

"I can't stay away from you." He says looking at my lips. His grey eyes look beautiful and right away they meet mine.

Without hesitation I put my lips with his, moving in sync. His arm move around my waist moving me closer to his chest. I could feel his tongue move against mine.

Breaking the kiss, his lips move to my neck trailing there way down. A small moan came out of my lips, making my hands move towards his hair, gripping it softly making him suck hard on my neck.

He backs away taking off his shirt revealing his beautiful tattoos, my eyes trailed down his chest and abs making me admire him completely.

Before I could react his hands moved to my shirt and before taking it off he looked at me asking for permission. I put my hand with his and took off my shirt leaving me exposed to him.

His lips make contact with my bare chest making me moan softly.

"Jason." I say softly. He backed away making his lips crash with mine.

My hands scratch Jason's back loving his embrace. The way our body's fit together perfectly and how perfect this moment is even if shit happened today.

How he gives me the feeling of safety and that I am loved. His warm body against mine making me feel comfort.

That's what I missed the most.

The way he makes me feel when I think I am lost in myself.

My mind started thinking about everything that is happening right now. The way everything changed in less than a day. How unexpected this moment has been.

I never would have thought I was going to feel this again, I look at Jason giving him a small smile. Feeling safe and secure.

Having a little more hope than I ever did.

But I just keep thinking why is Jason here?

Why is he helping Elijah?

And how did Elijah trust Jason right away?


Sorry for any grammar mistakes!!

I wanted to post as soon as possible.

What do you think about the story so far?

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