Chapter 43: Do I?

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Robert's POV

"I can't believe that summer is almost over." I sighed, looking down at my ice tea.

"I know right? It'll start getting cold....but that means Christmas is coming!" Tina cheered, earning a chuckle from me.

"What about Halloween? Or Thanksgiving? Everyone always forgets about those holidays." I reminded her, watching as she rolled her eyes back at me as a response.

"Well, too bad. I love Christmas and that's the end of it." She crossed her arms, which had me roll my eyes as well, leaning back into my chair.

"And this girl," I leaned towards Juniper, who was situated between me and Tina, "Will be starting preschool soon! Isn't that crazy?"

Juniper looked up form her bowl, a spoon with mac and cheese placed on top of it was heading towards her mouth. She smiled, nodding excitedly, popping the spoonful of food into her mouth.

"Man, kids grow up so fast." I sighed, watching Juniper happily eat her food. The simple fact that she's going to be going to preschool soon, brings emotions to me. I know that preschool isn't that amazing or important, but it's going to be a daily reminder that she's growing closer and closer to being a kindergartner.....then a first grader....then an eighth grader.....THEN SHE'LL BE IN COLLEGE AND—

"Are you good bro?" I heard Steve ask from across the table, face utterly confused.

I looked around the table, realizing that everyone's eyes were glued on me, all giving me the same stare.

"You look like you're trying to strangle a penguin..." Tina slowly said, trying to make out what my arms were doing.

"Oh haha....oops." I put my arms down, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Anyways," Tina shook her head, "Back to the topic. Summer is almost over, we should have one last party before it ends."

Steve nodded, looking at me a bit weirdly, "Yeah, sounds fun. Count me in."

I looked back at him with the same weirded out expression, giving him a silent questioning glare.

He glanced at me and then back and Tina and Juniper, who were chatting about random crap. He gestured to me, pointing over at a tree near the bathrooms.

"Hey, me and Bob are going to go use the restroom. We'll be back." Steve announced, earning a nod from Tina.

I got up reluctantly, following him to the restaurant restrooms. The palm trees swayed with the slight breeze of the outdoors, brushing past my face delicately.

We stopped right next to them, a few other people in line to get into the restrooms. I leaned against a tree, feeling the coarse bark scratch my side.

"What?" I inquired, not knowing why he brought me over here in the first place.

Steve walked a bit closer to me, casually pulling out his phone, scrolling through it.

"We're almost there." He told me, showing me a photo of a list of things they've stopped Nick from doing.

", ok?" I replied, not really knowing how to respond.

He rolled his eyes, "By the time it reaches November, he'll be behind bars. I'm sure of it." Steve put his phone away, giving me a serious look.

I smiled, knowing that life will go back to normal in no time. But, there was still one thing that has been bugging me for so long....and that's—

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