Chapter 32: Safe and Sound

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Juniper's POV

Flashback to when Juniper and Robert were in the movie room.

"These ones! Also can we make popcorn?"  I said quickly while holding up a bag of popcorn.

"Popcorn sounds good, here I'll go make it. Do you know how to put the dvd in?"  Bob asked me. I nodded and he left the room.

I waddled over to the DVD player that goes with the pro..projector? I think that's what it's called. I remember daddy taught me how to put it in. I felt proud of myself when I figured it out and daddy did too!

I opened the case with Moana in it. Moana is my favorite because she is so brave and amazing. I want to be like her when I grow up.

I stood on my tippy toes to reach the DVD player. Momma says I'm growing, but I don't think it's fast enough. I want to be taller so I can ride the big kid rides at the amusement park!

After that was done I skipped over to where I left my teddy bear. It's my favorite stuffed animal because it was the first thing daddy gave to me. I snuggled it up to my chest and patiently waited for Bob to come back.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something shiny. I turned my head to get a better look at it, finally deciding to walk over to it.

I bent down to pick up the strange object. It looks like the things that are on mommy's purse. I have one on my backpack too! I don't know what they are called though.

It didn't have anything on one of the sides so I flipped it around. On the other side was a photo. It looked like my family? One person looks like momma and one looks like dada. Then there's one that looks like me.

Oh! I remember this moment! Daddy took a picture when we were on the beach. The beach had a lot of sand, which felt weird on my feet. The water was very cold as well. I think it was called an ocean?

Wait, but whose is this? It wasn't on the ground before. Maybe it's Bob's? That wouldn't make sense! He doesn't know our family that well, but it feels like I have known him forever.

Bob does look like daddy. He sorta sounds like daddy too, but he doesn't have daddy's accent.

Ugh my little head hurts. Where is Bob with the popcorn? Maybe I should ask him about it.

I heard footsteps coming towards the room and I giggled. Maybe I should trick him. I put the object into my dress pocket so I could ask him about it later.

I quickly ran over to a stack of bean bags and hid behind it.

"Oh Juniper where are you?"  I heard Bob shout.

I held back my laughter and tried to stay quiet.

"Where could she be?"  I heard, the footsteps getting closer to me.

Finally the footsteps stopped, "Could she be!"  Bob said as he knocked down the bean bags. I screamed and tried to run away, all while laughing.

He grabbed me gently and swung me around. I laughed a lot since it tickled.

"Silly Bob!"  I said, stilling trying to hold in my giggles.

After all of that we started to watch the movie. He got me some apple juice since it's my favorite drink of all time, but momma said I can't have it all the time because water is better for my body. I listen to momma because having manners is important and good behavior is as well.

As Moana started to sing, I sang along as well. I know all of the songs already since I watch this movie a lot. Bob isn't very good at singing though. It's really funny hearing him sing.

I started to feel tired because I didn't take my nap earlier. I thought about telling Bob about it, but it was too late since I already closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Moments before however, I felt something soft and warm engulf my body. I'm assuming it's a blankie. I snuggle into it and let sleep take me into dream land.

I don't know what time it is, but I felt someone nudging me from the side. I opened one eye to find Bob sitting next to me. He suddenly picked me up and set me in my hip. I smiled a little and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms are warm and they make me feel safe. It's sorta strange since Bob is still sort of a stranger to me, but he is very nice to mommy so I trust him. He is also very fun to build legos with.

He carried me somewhere and sat me down. He showed me some food, which I slowly started to eat since I was a bit hungry. It smells like daddy's cooking.

Just then I realized that mommy wasn't home yet. She said she would be home to have dinner; I don't want her to get hungry. I tried asking Bob where she is, and turns out she's stuck on the road because her tire is broken. I think a tire is those wheels on a car, they make the car move!

I got a little sad about that. I wanted mommy. I want her warm snuggles and her kisses. Ever since daddy left I haven't been able to get as much as before, but mommy still tries to give me extra saying that they are from dada.

Since it was late I had to get ready for bed. Bob helped me with some stuff, but I could do most of it by myself since I'm a big girl. When I was finally in bed I asked Bob to read me a bedtime story. He did and it made me super happy.

I started to feel sleepy so he tucked me in and left my room quietly to let me sleep. I snuggled close to my teddy bear and smiled; today has been fun!

Right when I was about to sleep I heard voices come from downstairs. One sounded like Bob's and one sounded like...mommy? MOMMY!

I jumped up and quietly ran downstairs, since I didn't want to scare them. I wanted to see mommy. I tip toed down the steps and into the living room.

I saw Bob and momma talking, I didn't want to interrupt since that isn't nice so I waited. I was surprised when they started to get closer to each other, but before they could get closer mommy started to cry.

My heart hurt seeing her cry. She has been doing that a lot lately, so I sleep with her to make her feel better and to make me feel better as well. Sleeping in her arms makes me feel safe and less sad that daddy is gone. I wanted to run to her and cuddle her, but I stopped because someone was already doing that.

I smiled at the way Bob held her. He really cares about mommy. He isn't weird like mommy's other friend named Nick. He wants me to call him uncle Nick, but I don't think he deserves that title. Nick is nice, but not as nice as Bob.

I walked back upstairs and tucked myself in. I let Bob and mommy have their alone time. I looked up at my ceiling and smiled knowing daddy is up there somewhere.

"Hey daddy, mommy is safe. I promise."

Cute little filler chapter! Hope you enjoyed seeing the word from Juniper's perspective

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Still Here | Robsten Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora