Chapter 36: Oops

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Robert's POV

"I had fun tonight." Tina said with a bright smile, walking me to my door. I chuckled a little and nodded in agreement, "Glad you enjoyed my company."

We reached the front of the door, both of us standing on the doormat. We finally let go of our hands, I don't even know how long we had them interlocked.

I waited for her to walk away, but of course she didn't. Again, we were both lost in each other's eyes. I took in all of her features, everything about her was breathtakingly beautiful. My eyes wandered from her forehead, down to her tiny nose, and finally, her lips.

No Rob, stop it. That's too far, you don't need to kiss her.

Out of no where she flung her arms out at me, pulling me in for a surprise hug. I leaned into her touch, taking in a whiff of her scent. She smelled like peaches and vanilla; what a calming aroma. I felt her smile gently into my shoulder, her hold tightening on me. I savored the moment before I broke away. I waved her goodbye and watched as she slowly walked back to her car. She turned back one last time and winked at me, causing me to blush a bit then quickly enter my home.

The living room was bare and dark, same with the kitchen. I went around the whole house, turning on the lights since the darkness makes me uncomfortable. Kristen knew how much the dark scared me, so she made sure that every room had a nightlight. Not even Juniper hates the dark, so it's very embarrassing for me.

I started to grow more and more confused. Where in the world is Steve and Nick? Both of their cars are in the driveway, so they should be somewhere within the house. I walked around a little more, checking every room and turning on the lights in the process.

I heard struggling coming from the guest bedroom where Nick is staying. I slowly crept towards it, using light footsteps to maneuver myself. I put my ear up to the door, the muffled sounds grew louder, my confusion just growing more.

I placed my hand on the golden doorknob, gently twisting it open. I peaked through the crack and saw two bodies rolling around on the bed. What the crap?

I opened the door all the way, still confused on what in the world I was looking at. The room was dark still and I don't think whoever they are have noticed me.

I couldn't tell what they were doing and how many people there were. All I know is that they seem to be fighting? No, making out? I have no idea.

My hand wandered along the wall in search of the light switch. With a quick flick of my wrist, the blinding light cascaded down on the room. The two people on the bed jumped, scrambling to sit up. My eyes widened immediately when I realized who they were.

"Uhm....." Was all I could get out at the moment. My face turning a bright red, heart beating loudly.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked awkwardly, clearly feeling uncomfortable.

Kristen sat up quickly, a pink blush spreading across her face as well. Nick just laid there, propped up on one arm, staring at me with a mischievous look. What a messed up man.

"Sorry Bob! I didn't know you would drop by, I can explain—"

"Long story short we were making out. Food's in the kitchen so help yourself. Steve is in the game room." Nick interrupted. He said that so casually that it's scary.

"Sorry....I'll leave." I mumbled, turning towards the  door.

"No! Wait—" I heard Kristen yell, but I was already too far away from the room. I tried to clear my mind of the image of Nick snuggling up against Kristen, my freaking wife.

I sighed out of frustration and headed towards where Steve was. I found him lounging in the game room like Nick said earlier. He had a headset on and was busy chatting to people that I didn't know.

I walked to him and snatched the controller out of his hands. He jumped, looking up at me. I saw how his face relaxed when he realized it was me, but soon anger started to show.

"Bro! What was that for?! Sorry guys, I have to mute for a second." He whined, taking off his headset, throwing it onto the chair. He turned back to me, crossing his arms. I copied his actions, only causing him to laugh.

"Seriously what did I do wrong?"

My eyes widened, a bit pissed at him, "What'd you wrong? You didn't tell me Kristen was coming by and hwjdjvkv HUH?" Gibberish was all that came out at the end. Steve took in my panicked state, eying me up and down. He eventually broke out into a contagious laugh, clutching his stomach while doing it.

"Wow you're so possessive. I can't blame you though." He said while putting his headset back on, looking for his controller as well.

I rolled my eyes and threw the controller that was still in my hand at his head. It bounced off his brown hair and back onto the lounge chair. He yelped at the impact, glaring at me with an unamused look.

"Chill please. Go eat or something." Steve scoffed at me. I stormed off to the kitchen, hearing Steve resume his game a few seconds after I left. I ate the leftovers sitting on the counter, a bit cold due to how long they have been left out. The food did make me feel a bit better.

I heard footsteps come into the kitchen. I looked up to find Nick and Kristen; Nick's arm was casually draped around her shoulders. Anger started to boil inside of me, but I didn't want to lose my composure.

"I'm going to go and help Steve with his game, see you in a moment babe." Nick quickly said, kissing Kristen's cheek before leaving. I silently gagged, looking away from Kristen's gaze.

Kristen just stood there; I could tell that she was having an internal battle on what she should do. Her hair was a bit messy, her blush still there. I couldn't help but feel bad for getting angry earlier.

She took a step towards me, "I'm sorry." I sighed and walked all the way over to her, taking her by surprise.

"Don't be. I'm not mad or anything. Why should I be?" My voice came out a little harsher than I intended. I could see her face falter into disappointment. For what? Herself or me?

"I heard you went out with Tina today. How was it?" I looked at her over my shoulder, not expecting that question. Who told her?

"Nice. She's great." I kept my answer short, not really sure what I feel for her. At the moment I just felt really annoyed, but I don't know why.

Kristen seemed to sense it, nodding a little while heading towards the door. I didn't pay attention to what she was doing, more so on the look that was on her face.


"Kristen, wait—" I tried to say, but she already headed out the door.

Oof for Rob 😬
💖1214 words💖

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