Chapter 54: Look Deeper

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Rob's POV

"Where the hell was Nick on Monday?" Steve slammed his hands down onto the table we sat at, startling everyone around us.

Trent gave him a big shrug, crossing his arms in a thinking manner. "Why are you asking exactly?"

Steve scoffed, reaching into the back of his pocket and pulling something out. I've seen it before once or twice in his room, but I've never known what exactly it was.

"Because this tracker I implanted on his car showed that he wasn't were he said he was going to be." He clenched his jaw, giving all of us a look.

"When in the world did you manage to plant a tracking device into his car?" I questioned, immediately regretting it when Steve almost chucked a water bottle at me.

"That's what you're worried about man? We're literally talking about a potential planned murder attempt!" Steve shouted, eliciting sighs and groans within the room.

"Are we sure it was him? I mean—" someone started, but another loud slam stopped them mid-sentence.

"No one asked you, Karen." Steve spat, glancing far across the room to a girl with blonde hair.

"Steve seriously, calm down." I gripped his arm, surprised at how it was slightly shaking.

He turned his head to me, looking down at my purple hair. "Calm down?" He scoffed louder, really sounding fed up. "I thought you'd care more, but I guess that's not the case."

"Oh come on Steve, don't be like that." I tried to reason, which sort of worked. His temper slightly dropped, eyebrows slowly softening.

He paused, taking in a long and much needed breath. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just, can't believe he'd go this far."

"You still don't have any proof that Nick is the one involved in this Steve, so let's not make conclusions so quickly." Trent slid some papers across the table, almost giving me a paper cut.

"The person that they arrested for the crash is identified as Tony Randle. He's way older than Nick, and he doesn't even speak English." Trent explained. I leaned closer, trying to take a look at the documents.

Paper rustled as Steve dug deeper into the stack of information, rubbing his chin while he was at it. "That's weird. I guess it wouldn't make sense to work with someone like that when communication would be difficult."

I nodded, agreeing. "But you said that Nick works with people all around the world. There is a possibility still."

Steve shrugged back into the chair, half frowning while gazing at me. "Well, as much as I hate to say it, I have to agree with Trent on this one. We really have no proof at the moment."

"Then what are we going to do?"

The tranquil yet stress filled environment that followed only left us a bigger gap than when we started, and it was starting to eat at us slowly.

I rubbed my face with both hands, not even bothering to lift my head up afterwards.

"I really don't know."

"But," I raised my head, snatching the papers from Steve and into my hands. "That doesn't mean we give up. There's got to be something here...."

I brought the stacks closer, hoping that it would do some good. The mugshot of the supposed person who crashed into kristen burned their eyes into mine.

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