Chapter 58: Helpless

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Juniper's POV

The wind blew past my face, my nasal passage choking up from the amount of soot and debris in the air.

But, no matter what, I had to get some type of evidence before my chance vanishes. I'm no stranger to Nick's devilish and inhuman ways of doing things, and I won't be tricked this time.

The whole front of the house was bursted open, barely missing the cars in the parking lot. I wasn't sure if Bob and the rest were ok, but I couldn't miss my only opportunity to put Nick where he belongs.

My mind scanned the area, trying to figure out the best possible way to do something like that. Nick is good at not leaving trails, so nothing around me seemed decent.

"Hey you little shit—"

I didn't bother turning around, knowing that they'd never be able to catch up to me when I'm this tiny and agile. I'll just let them believe so.

I took a sharp turn, waiting for whoever was chasing me to run further forward, allowing me to slip past. I ran up the stairs through another broken part of the wall, remembering the direction of the explosion.

Bob's bedroom sat right above the living room, where the bomb was thrown. At the direct angle it was placed in relation to the blueprint of the house, the bomb shards must be in here.

My hands dived through the rubble, not paying attention to the numerous cuts beginning to invade my hands from the piercing concrete.

A somewhat shiny piece of metal blinded me when the sun hit it, causing me to lean back a bit too far. My head hit a block of brick, a stinging sensation felt.

But of course, I wasted no time in checking if it was bleeding, proceeding to grab a nearby box of plastic bags. I carefully encased the metal into the bag, tying it tight before placing it in my pocket.

"Are you done?"

I gasped, spinning around only halfway before two hands grabbed my neck. They lifted me, the oxygen circulation being cut off.

"I suggest you put that back before I snap your neck in half." Nick growled, fingers tightening. I cried out, desperately struggling to pry them off.

"I should have gotten rid of you way earlier." He cackled, a sinful chime.

"Stop-p....what did-d I ever do-oo to you?" I choked out, losing consciousness.

"Nothing. The fact that a little piece of shit like you exists is enough to enrage me to my core." He reverted.

That was the last thing I heard before I could no longer retain awareness. My body went limp, the sensation of being dropped hitting it.

"Juniper.....wake up...."


Light flooded my being, but it was hard to keep consistent. Maybe it was my eyelids refusing to hold form, or maybe it was the pounding pain my brain was experiencing.

"Juniper, baby, wake up."

A warm hand touched my arm, energy flowing through my veins. I inhaled calmly, exhaling. I sat up, sitting in pure darkness.

Where am I?

"You're in your subconscious." Something responded, startling me.

"You can hear my thoughts?" I said, but out loud this time.

"Yes, because I am one of your thoughts."

"That makes no sense."

"A lot of things in this world don't make sense, do they?"

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