Chapter 38: Party?

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Robert's POV

"Will you chill?!" Steve screamed at me, clearly annoyed.

I turned around, staring him down with the same amount of annoyance, "Will you chill?" I mocked. Steve just rolled his eyes dramatically, having none of my tantrum.

"It's just a party, you don't have to stay that long, but if you don't show up, the neighbors will be suspicious." Steve tried to convince me, voice almost begging.

I was stubborn as ever, haven't changed a bit.

"But it's Nick's party!" I whined, sounding like Juniper when she doesn't get apple juice. Steve held back a chuckle at my behavior, patting me gently on the shoulder.

"It's his birthday and the whole neighborhood is coming, they're expecting you. Come on, socialize Rob!" Steve nudged me, still trying to change my mind.

I looked down at him, sort of annoyed at the fact that he's tugging at my arm. I contemplated for a second; I really didn't see the point of going.

I saw the way Steve's eyes lit up with an unspoken idea. He pulled away from me and stared at me with a knowing look.

"You know, it's NICK'S party right? Meaning Kristen is going to be there and they'll probably be all touchy wouldn't want that.....would you?"

My head snapped to where he was standing, hating the way he was staring at me.

"Your manipulation strategies are stupid. Fine, I'll go." I said reluctantly. I can't believe I'm agreeing to this.

Steve nodded, satisfied with himself. He threw me a jacket and told me to get ready. I caught the piece of clothing and quickly slipped it over my broad shoulders. I walked over to the bathroom and checked my hair in the mirror. The purple was starting to wash out with every shower, but I really don't want to dye it again. Purple really isn't my color.

I slicked my hair back slightly, switching off the light and heading out the small room. I made sure to grab my phone and shoved it into my jean pocket. Steve ushered me out the door, locking it before we left.

To say I wasn't a tad annoyed when I realized that the party was at Kristen's house is an understatement. The front of the huge building was surrounded with balloons and streamers, a big sign at the front door that said, "happy birthday, Nick!" hung in the clear daytime.

"Did you bring a gift?" Steve questioned while holding out a delicately wrapped box, probably containing a watch.

I shook my head in disbelief, "You think I would get him something? He's the whole reason that my life is messed up." I sulked.

"Jeez, ok. We'll just say it's from both of us." Steve held up his hands in defeat, turning back towards the house. We knocked on the front door, patiently waiting for someone to answer. Tiny footsteps were heard from the other side, padding towards the door. There were sounds of struggle, followed by the clicking of the lock.

Steve and I were both confused for a second, seeing that no one was there. I looked around, but when I spotted a familiar spot of bronze I realized who it was.

Juniper was standing at the door, confused why we couldn't see her.

"I'm down here!" She shouted to us. That had Steve shouting in realization, bending down to pick Juniper up in a bear hug. She giggled her soft and adorable laughs, trying to squirm away when Steve tickled her.

"Ok ok!" She screamed while laughing uncontrollably. Steve chuckled with me, putting the little girl back on her feet. I noticed that she was wearing a party hat, which had Nick's face on it. I refrained from rolling my eyes at the sight, not wanting to make Juniper upset.

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