Chapter 59: Denial

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Rob's POV

My body tossed against the rocky pavement. The police car carrying me silent and still.

Maybe it was the overwhelming grief that coated my senses, or maybe it was the after effects of being in an explosion. Something just didn't allow me to think straight or be aware of my senses, and that's how I found myself being dragged into a police station without my body working.

It wasn't as busy as I assumed it to be, seeing that crime is a daily activity and is always monitored. I know that isn't important to even mention right now, but it's helping me take my mind off of my sadness.

I was pulled into a windowless room. The walls were grey and the only furniture in the space was a metal table and a worn out chair. Just like all of those movies.

Funny how it feels like I'm still living in a movie, huh?

"Why don't you take a seat?" The officer holding my wrists said, taking the cuffs off me.

I listened because I had no other option. The chair was cold, and my clothes were torn to the point where my bare butt could be touching the seat.

"Let's cut to the chase," The police man before me inhaled with a serious tone. He pressed a button on the wall, opening the door without much effort.

Steve walked in, his expression unreadable as he took a chair next to the officer.

"We can't arrest you, there's not enough evidence." He explained, pulling out a few sheets of paper.

"And we know that it wasn't you, but whoever else it was, we don't have enough for a lead."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I countered, rubbing the place on the wrists that was indented from the cuffs.

"It means that we will open an investigation, but the person that you think it might be might not even be included as one of the main leads."

I shot ip from my chair, hands slamming down on the table. "That's absolutely insane! It was definitely Nick! Who else could it be goddamnit!"

"Chill Rob...." Steve reached over, doing his best to hold me down. "They know that Nick probably was involved in this, but you have to remember the situation at hand."

"He's right." I switched my attention to the officer, "it's not that I don't believe you, but what Nick is capable of, especially even if he was charged, is much more than what we could handle."

"He has enough money to get out of any bail, any sentence. And if money won't work than he has other tactics." Steve rubbed his face, a stressed-filled habit of his.

"But—why—ugh!" I groaned, finding it increasingly harder to control my emotions.

"There's got to be evidence somewhere!" My voice felt unstable, probably because it was. "Did you find any yet? Please tell me you did!"

His silence told me what I wanted to know, but also enraged me harder than before. "They're still investigating, we can't know for sure yet. But, currently there's no obvious traces of anyone."

"Then what are we supposed to do?"

"Wait. All we can do is wait."

My legs bounced, same with Steve's. The look we gave each other made it seem like we knew what the other was thinking. And that my friend, was that there was nothing much we could do, but let time pass as it wants to.

"Are the others who were in the explosion ok?" I spoke up after a while, startling the officer.

"I don't think any of them are in critical condition. I can drive you to the hospital they were transported to if you wish." He grabbed his keys, already out of the room before I could respond.

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