Chapter 20: A New Perspective

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Juniper's POV

Grandma took me home yesterday after I saw mommy at the hospital. I don't remember what happened before that, but all I remember is that Nicky hurt momma. I think he hurt me also, but I don't feel it anymore.

Grandma told me that Nicky is going away and I will never have to see him again. I think I'm happy, but I'm sad because I loved Nicky. Even if he did do some bad things he still made the best cookies and gave pretty good hugs.

I dreamed of someone last night. He had bronze hair and he called my name. He had blue eyes and sort of a beard. I ran to him and he hugged me with his warm body. I snuggled into him and I realized it was daddy.

Sometimes at night I feel someone in my room, but I'm not scared because the person who's presence is in front of me feels familiar. He sings to me every night and leaves when he thinks I'm asleep. I don't know how he gets in, but I don't care. I look forward to his visit every night after mommy tucks me in. Sometimes I hear momma crying and I want to go cuddle her and kiss away her tears. Mommy doesn't deserve to cry. I know why she's crying though. She missed dada. I miss him too. I miss his cuddles and I miss how he would sit by me every night and read me a bed time story. Mommy does that too, but daddy makes the story come to life. He's a good actor.

The next morning....

I sat in my grandma's car drinking some apple juice. Grandma said that we can go see mommy today. She also said that there's another surprise for me. I'm confused; It isn't my birthday. I don't want any gifts I just want to see mommy.

I looked out the windows and I saw a bunch of birds flying through the city. I squeal and tell grandma that there's a baby bird. She just laughed and told me that we are almost at the hospital.

I held grandmas hand while waddling through the giant building, I still had my apple juice and was happily drinking it. I could feel grandma's hand shaking in mine and I got worried.

"Nana why you nervous?"

She looked down at me and smiled, she seemed a little surprised by my comment.

"I'm fine darling, I'm just a little worried that you won't like your surprise."

Before I could say anything I was led into a room, I'm guessing it's the same room that mommy is staying in.

But I heard a man's voice. Is Nicky back? Turns out it was just a nurse talking to mommy. Wait...Mommy!!!

I ran towards her before realizing that I shouldn't run. She opened her arms and hugged me so tightly.

"Momma I can't bweathe"

She loosened her grip and I snuggled into her chest. She started to stroke my hair and since the room was silent I'm guessing that we are alone.

"Juni?"  Momma said after a while of silence.

"Yeah mama?"  I replied.

"There's someone that came to see you, do you want to see who it is?"

I finally looked up at her and tilted my head to one side.


She smiled and pressed the button next to her bed. A little later a nurse came in and helped her into her wheelchair.

"Momma can I push it?"  I gave her the best puppy eyes that I could make.

"Sure hon"  I squealed and I started to push her out of the room. I'm the same height as the wheelchair, so I didn't make it very far without the nurse helping me. I ended up walking next to mommy while holding her hand. I started to skip next to her and hummed my favorite song.

We got to a part of the hospital that had a bunch of weird machines and balls (yoga balls lol) I don't know what this place is but I don't ask. (It's the physical therapy area by the way).

"Juniper?" Someone called out to me. The same voice from my dream.

I turned to the voice and I saw a man standing text to grandma.

My eyes lit up and I couldn't believe it was real.


Sorry if this was confusing, I just wanted to try to write something in Juniper's perspective.


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