Part 1 - Summer 15: Week 1🔥

Start from the beginning

"Right ok... so we have a two hour drive right?"

"Bit longer than that."

"You're messing?! Louis said I could FaceTime him if I wanted to but I'm not staying on the phone to him for longer than two hours! He'll burn my head out." Zayn groaned.

"Honestly sweetie what did you expect! We're driving from Bradford to a different country!"

"Wait... Wales is a different country?"

"Zayn, promise me you do go to lessons?" Tricia asked in concern. "Of course it is! They speak a whole other language to us!"

"I do, but we haven't exactly talked about Wales in geography..." He muttered in embarrassment.
"But Ah well, you learn something new every day I guess."

"I'll let you have that, but please, please start paying attention to your geography teacher. There is no way he's never spoken about Wales."

"I do pay attention! How else would I know Ireland is a different country!"

"Oh wow, you do know something then? I'm proud." Trisha gasped, bursting into fits of laughter at the glare her son through her way.
"Cheer up love!"

"Shush." He moaned , turning away from her to grab his headphones. "I'm muting you now."

"Tell Louis is said hi!" She shouted just as he pressed call. "Tell him I'll miss his shitty sass!"

He couldn't help but chuckle at that, She acted like such a kid sometimes... god he loved her.


The drive took about two and a half hours which wasn't too bad considering the amount of traffic they'd hit on their way. Zayn had immediately ended his call with Louis when his girlfriend Perrie arrived , he wasn't being anyone's third wheel. So that meant he spoke to his mum mostly for the last hour it was really nice. He hadn't realised how much he missed their long chats up until then.

"Here we are!" Trisha chirped excitedly as they pulled up next to Anne's car by the lake.

The caravan park they stayed at had the perfect view of West Shore Boating Lake. It was a gorgeous lake that many people came to visit over the course and the summer. Most of them being families with children who wanted to rent boats and sail.

That however, was not for Zayn. He much preferred sitting on the edge and watching them all. He couldn't swim you see... so deep water? That was a no go for him.

"Zayn!" A voice called , causing Zayn to immediately jump out of the car.

"Haz!" He screeched, rushing over so the older lad could pull him in for a hug.
"Jesus Christ! Put me down!" He howled as Harry spun him around.

"No way mate! I've missed ya' too much!" Harry shouted about , both of them laughing.

"Harry stop being a pest, put the poor boy down so he can give his favourite godmother a hug!" Anne scolded as she too walked over.

"Ah, ah , ah! The best friend is getting a hug first! Trisha piped , smiling widely.

"Oh of course my love! How could I forget?!" Anne gasped , hugging the woman close.
"Did you have a nice drive?"

"We did actually, Zayn managed to put the phone down for once and engage in normal human interaction!"

"Oi! I'm not on the phone that much! And when I am it's only Hazza or Louis!" Zayn protested.

"Harry says the same thing to me." Anne stated rolling her eyes.

"I bet he does, all teenagers are the same. Complete and utter bullshitters."

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