Why is he the Prince of Luck

Start from the beginning

Travis looks at Kei.
Seeing that he is really not bothered, he doesn't plan to interfere.

"About the curse...."

Kei looks at him.
"How does the curse work?" He asks.
Because if it's just having connections with Travis and you will be cursed then Astrid's family will be isolated however powerful they are.

"I am not sure. But it's often about my personal things being touched or stolen." Travis said.

"Ah." Kei nods.

"Did you touch or steal my Uncle's things?" Tyrone asks, confused.

Kei smiles and points at Tyrone.

Tyrone tilts his head.
"What about me?"

Kei smiles.
"You gave me his calling card."

Travis glares at Tyrone.
"What? That thing, I told you to throw it away."

Tyrone trembles.
How can he throw his Uncle's calling card? It was hidden in his wallet.
"Oh...That....I thought it is my own calling card..." Travis curse will not affect blood relatives but it is very fatal to others.
After figuring it out.
Travis collected all his calling cards and set them on fire.
His small nephew likes his calling card and wants to keep one. Since it is not going to affect him, they gave him one.

Tyrone is pale.
He is sweating.
Having/ possessing an item with his Uncle's name.....How can Kei still be alive?

Kei blinks.
"I won't give it back."

"That is very dangerous! Just give it back." Travis angrily wants to get down from his bed to shake Kei but Kei is unmoving.
Tyrone made him steady and pats his back.
"Relax Uncle. Don't get mad."

Travis coughs violently then takes a deep breath.
"You.....Just give it back."

Kei blinks.
"I read that curse can only be broken when it was activated."

Tyrone and Travis flinched.

Kei smiles.
"Since it is activated while it's on me. You can find a way to subdue it?"

"The risk is too high!" Travis angrily shouted.

Tyrone supports him.

Kei pouts.
"I wonder why you never tried."

Tyrone's face looked evasive.

Kei smiles.

He knows that a large family that has a deep connection from sorcery and curses can't actually be a soft hearted people.
Of course they tried.
They tried and it seems not very helpful.
And even if they don't care about their test subjects dying....The backlash of their dead test subjects will all go back and haunt Travis.
So the experimentation can't be too bold.

Kei smiles.
"To be honest, I always think that I am unlucky. But my classmates call me the Prince of Luck."

Tyrone knows.
He researched Kei from top to bottom.
He knows that Kei hates this Prince of Luck title.
It is not like he won a lottery.
It is not like his life is full of happiness.
But his classmates always claim that he is a Prince of Luck.

"Actually, Why?" Tyrone research is just the superficial information.
Not that he would actually dig all the nook and cranny about Kei or that would really make him a 100%, unredeemed pervert stalker.
He knows he was Prince of Luck and not planning to know deeper.
Also because in his opinion, Kei is really a Prince of Luck, but can't pinpoint why.

Kei snorts and looks away.
"I don't want to talk about it. Anyways, try to break the curse, I will be fine."

He will help but he can't be too involved, he thought.

But being the test subject and letting his life on the line.
Travis knows what kind of existence Kei will end up in his life if he got cured.

His heart is unwilling to hurt this man.
But his heart also wants to believe that if he agreed, Kei, this person, will be the key to help him.

"You will be unlucky for the next few days..... and it can be fatal." Travis still wants to persuade Kei.

Kei just dismisses him with a snort.

After a while, Travis told them he was tired and asked them to go out.

Tyrone is still in a mess.
He is torn between his Uncle's life and his best friend.

"Kei, there are other people who can be test subjects....You are very precious to me."

Kei jokingly slaps his face to the left and right.
Then he laughs.
"Do not believe in the Prince of Luck?"

Tyrone frowns.
"How are you prince of luck anyways? You said you are unlucky all the time."

Kei flinched.
"I won't tell. I think it is stupid."
He pouts.



Do you know why his classmates call him the prince of luck without reading the short theather after this?


Tyrone : Why is he called Prince of Luck?
He is not exactly a lucky guy.
But I can't help believe it too.
I am so confuse.

Hero : Kei is a very irritating guy.
But surprisingly, out of 10 people he irritates 8 of them likes him a lot.
And even when he is calling everyone stupid, everyone feels that he is just doing his best to correct others and because he is not a snob,he is a very charming guy and got all the girls attention without any effort.
That is why all the men in school called him Prince of Luck.
This b*stard is so lucky and irritating and we all love him^_^
Also he is very friendly if you just filter all his vulgar foul mouthed words.
Also he has a lot of title like Mr.Popular and Prince Charming.


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