Thirty Nine

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Gavin unfolds the note that Chantel had written him. He sits down on his bed to read it.

hey party boy. a note is stupid i know i could literally just text you but i was sitting in business 101 and couldn't grab my phone so i'm making it looking like i'm taking notes. just shoot me a text, i was just wondering how you're doing with everything.

Gavin smiles and the note, folding it back up and setting it down on top of his bedside table. He sits back a little to grab his phone from out his front pocket.

He finds Chantels contact to text her. He sends her a quick, 'really? a note?' before following that up with 'do you wanna maybe grab lunch tomorrow?'

"So why'd you block the prison number? Not that...It's a bad thing I'm just wondering."

Shawn shrugs his shoulders. "It's just...Irritating. I mean he literally shot me and I'm paying for his weekly carton of cigarettes? It's ridiculous."

"I'm sorry, babe. Maybe that'll help you. Focus on yourself more. You're always looking out for someone."

Shawn looks over at Jaxon, furrowing his brows. "That's a bad thing?"

Jaxon raises his eyebrows and shakes his head quickly. "No, baby. It's one of the things I admire about you but...It's also good to look out for yourself."

"Oh," Shawn lets out a sigh, "I don't know. I know he's gonna be pissed when he gets out."

"When does he get out? Do you know?"

Shawn shakes his head. "Nah, but I know some of his bros have been putting up money to get him out on bail, he'd be on probation for a few years."

"Well, that's good! I mean, not him getting out but if he's on probation he can't leave the state and we're like...nineteen hours or so away."

"What about holidays, princess? Aren't we going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas?"

"I mean yeah but...You don't think he'd be out by then do you?"

"I don't know but...I don't know I'm just kind of nervous about it. I haven't seen him in forever and he's just...Ugh, I don't know."

Jaxon reaches his hand out to grab Shawn's. He looks up at him and smiles. "I think you're doing really good, babe. Seriously. I'm really proud of you."

Shawn smiles back. "Thank you, pretty face."

That's something the couple had to learn how to do. Shawn was never raised around getting compliments or reassurance from others, but once he met Jaxon, that's all he heard.

Gavin was staring at his phone, hovering his thumb over Mia's contact. He did wanna be there for Jaxon and try and help but he was still so upset.

He sniffs and clicks on her contact, sitting up in his bed. The phone rings a few times, Mia usually answering a call one second before it goes to voicemail.


Gavin clenches his jaw as he heard her voice. "Hey."

Mia takes a seat. "I...I was hoping you'd call. I...miss hearing your voice."

Gavin's face went blank as he stayed silent.

"I miss you. I miss us-."

"Stop. You don't get to say that. You ruined us, Mia. Everything that has ever happened is your fault."

"Why'd you call, Gavin? To rip me apart more than you already have?"

Gavin lets out a bitter laugh. "Rip you apart? You cheated on me!"

"I was desperate! And needy! You haven't touched me in months! What was I supposed to do?"

"You talk to me, Mia! You talk to me, that's what you do in a fucking relationship!"

Mia lets out a sigh. "Is that all you wanted?"

"Why did Aaliyah get into that school with Jaxon?"

"Because I asked her to. Her dad knows people and we could start a clothing business right after."

"But why that school? You guys are just trying to taunt Jaxon."

"Oh my god, can we please let this go? This has nothing to do with him! Stop making everything about that...that-."

"Don't you dare say that fucking word, Mia! Wh-What happened to you?"

Mia scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I grew up." She hangs up the phone. Gavin removes the phone from his ear, staring down at it, shaking his head.

Jaxon walks into the apartment first, holding a bag from Walmart. He was laughing at something Shawn had said when he sees Gavin sitting at the island with a beer in his hands.

"Hey, Gav. Ooh, look! We found those jalapeño poppers you like. The cheese things."

Gavin smiles. "Thanks. Why the sudden trip to Walmart?"

Shawn slams the front door behind him. "I wanted some snacks, and then he wanted his own, and then he wanted some makeup-."

"Was not makeup. It was nail polish and chapstick."

Shawn turns towards Gavin, whispering. "Makeup."

Jaxon takes a seat next to Gavin. "So? What are you doing sitting here by yourself? Where's Kai?"

"Her and AJ just went on a run."

Jaxon furrows his brows and looks down at his watch. "It's seven in the afternoon, what is wrong with them?"

Shawn opens the fridge to grab the last beer, popping it open with his belt. "It's called actively living, princess. Not all of us can eat a fifteen-pound burger and gain nothing."

Gavin looks at Jaxon and nods. "Yeah. Unlike you, our bodies will gladly store fat in places we don't like."

Jaxon giggles. "Okay, one I don't eat even burgers and two, It's still absurd."

Shawn takes a sip from his beer, patting Gavin on the back. "No, seriously man. Why you out here by yourself. Not even watching a TV show."

Gavin shrugs his shoulders. "I called Mia...Like you asked."

Jaxon looks at Gavin with a confused face. "Why'd he ask you to call Mia?"

"For you...To know why Aaliyah is attending your school."

"Do you know why?"

"Her dad definitely paid off the school. They have a plan to finish school and open a business together."

Shawn sets his beer down. "What else? What are you not telling me?"

Gavin looks up at Shawn and glances back at Jaxon. Shawn nods his head and looks over to Jaxon.

He immediately understands and stands up from where he was sitting. "I have some homework to do. Shawn, we're watching a movie later?"

"Of course."

Jaxon smiles and grabs his bags off of the island before walking back into his room.

Shawn takes a seat next to Gavin. "What's up, man?"

"She told me she was desperate and needy. She made it seems like I'm the reason she cheated."

"She's full of shit, Gav. You know this."

"I'm trying to pinpoint the moment I lost her. I...I don't understand, dude."

"I know...And I'm sorry. It's gonna get better, you know this."

Gavin shrugs. "I know. That's why I asked Chantel on a date."

Shawn raises his eyebrows, taking a sip from his beer. "No shit?"

"What if that's what I need? To move on? B-But I don't want Chantel to think she's a rebound."

"Take it slow and once you finally feel like you've let go of all of that then...Make a move, come on, I know you can."


𝗟𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆 (𝗯𝘅𝗯)Where stories live. Discover now