Forty Four

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Gavin grabs his house key, looking over at Chantel. "I can't believe a fight broke out. We didn't even make it past the previews."

Chantel laughs and fixes the strap on her dress. "I don't understand why everyone had to leave. They could've easily just kicked the two out."

Gavin shrugs. "I dunno. I guess they were overwhelmed."

"Hm. At least we got our money back.

Gavin opens the front door, letting Chantel in first. "I hope you don't mind just watching the movie here. I know sitting in the theater gives a better experience."

"This is fine, Gav. I'm having fun." 

Gavin smiles and nods. "Good." He shuts the front door, taking his jacket off and throwing it over one of the barstools. "It's quiet. I guess the other two left the house too."

Chantel furrows her brows. "Isn't that Jax's car in the driveway?"

"Oh yeah...Maybe they're sleeping."

Gavin sits up on the couch, having to catch his breath from laughing. Chantel was also laughing, trying to hold it in.

Chantel looks over at him, eyes wide. "I'm gonna take a wild guess that those two aren't sleeping."

Gavin shakes his head, covering his mouth. "I-... I am so sorry. This date was such a mix-up."

Chantel shakes her head right back. "No! I promise everything's okay. It's just kind of funny. But I promise I've been having a lot of fun."

The two had ended up finishing two movies and Chantel had even decided to spend the night. They were currently on the couch just talking.

Shawn walks back into the bedroom, wiping a warm rag down Jaxon's torso. "Shower quick?"

"Yeah. I'm kinda hungry."

Shawn chuckles as he walks to their bathroom to start a shower. "Wanna go out or order in?"

"Uhm. Go out...Just to like a drive-thru or something."

Shawn nods and picks up Jaxon. "Okay. Well, let's hurry up cause you mentioning food made me hungry."

The couple steps out of the bedroom, now having showered so they could leave the house.

Shawn looks over at the couch, smiling. "Hey! When did you two get here?"

Chantel smiles, almost laughing. "We-."

Gavin sets his hand on Chantel's upper arm, shaking his head. "Just a few minutes ago."

Jaxon furrows his brows, slipping his hand into Shawn's. "Did you guys not see your movie?"

Gavin shakes his head. "Nah. A fight broke out and...There was just too my commotion."

Jaxon frowns. "Awe. That's sucks...Well, how was dinner?!"

Chantel smiles. "It was really good. The food and...You know."

Jaxon giggles. "Of course. We'll talk soon."

"Of course."

Gavin sits up on the couch and clears his throat. "So...Uhm where are you two off to?"

Shawn runs his fingers through his hair, growing impatient. "Food. I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking."

"Okay, well, have fun."

Shawn nods his head. "Yeah. Come on, baby. Do you guys want anything? Like ice cream or anything?"

"No, thank you." Chantel waves at him and smiles. "Thank you though."

"Why'd you stop me? When they asked when we got back?"

Gavin pauses the television and looks at Chantel. "Huh?"

"They asked when we got home and you lied. You interrupted me."

"Oh...I just didn't wanna bring to the fact that we heard them cause...It makes Jax uncomfortable. Shawn's usually more open about it cause of his personality but Jax doesn't really like it."

"Oh. I totally get that...I'm glad I didn't say anything cause I just wanted to joke around but...If he doesn't like it then I wanna respect it."

Gavin smiles and sits back on the couch. He looks down at his watch. "Oh! What time should I take you back to the dorms tomorrow? You said you have a curfew."

"Not on the weekends. I'll be okay."

"Do you like school? College I mean?"

Chantel sits back on the couch, fixing her dress. "Yeah. Honestly, it's a lot better than high school...Aside from all the petty drama, it's been a lot of fun."

"That's cool. If I'm being honest, I can't even remember most of high school."

Chantel laughs. "No?"

"First three years I was either absent, in detention, or intoxicated."

"Seriously? How did you get away with this?"

"Not sure to be honest. Hey, I wasn't that bad. Shawn was definitely worse."

"How so?"

"So had he wasn't even allowed on the senior trip and almost didn't graduate. They let him off cause of some personal shit hit, damn. I hate to set that kid straight."

"I think it's cute how close you two are. Like...If I didn't know any better I would think you two were dating."

Gavin chuckles and shakes his head. "There's no way you could actually think that."

"Okay maybe not dating but...I probably would've been like...yeah they've definitely fooled around...Something like that."

"Nope. Even if I was gay, Shawn is like a blood brother to me."

"That's sweet. I wish I had someone like that."

Gavin looks over at her, furrowing his brows. "Friends from home?"

Chantel shakes her head. "Not super close. I was extremely tight with my sister until she started dating my ex. Ever since then we've kinda been wishy-washy."

"Damn. I'm sorry. That's so fucked up."

Chantel shrugs and takes a deep breath. "No worries. Maybe...One day you'll become that person, you know?"


𝗟𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆 (𝗯𝘅𝗯)Where stories live. Discover now