【40】- The End?

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Agent Kim-Manoban's POV

I drum my fingers along the glass table of the conference room, staring blankly at the presentation.

My advisors are currently trying to find a way to revamp the Special Agent Program. In all honesty, I would perfectly fine if we have to shut it down. I don't want to be the cause of any children being taken from their parents too early.

As I continue to daydream, the door to the conference room slowly opens. I focus my attention on the door, standing up from my seat ready to glare at Graves for letting someone in during this meeting.

"Graves, I specifically said NOT to-"

"Mamma!" My three-year-old daughter cuts me off as she races past all of my advisors into my arms. I give her a warm smile as I pick her up.

"Ella! Aren't you supposed to be with your sister?" I ask, giving her a concerned look. She just buries herself into my shoulder as she plays with my hair. I look at the advisors in the room, silently dismissing them. I watch as they all file out and as Graves walks in with my five-year-old on his leg.

"I'm getting too old for this," He mutters as he picks Lily off of his leg and places her on one of the seats. He gives me a little salute as he walks back outside, greeting another person coming into the office.

"Jennie, what's with the surprising visit?" I put my daughter down as I go to kiss my wife.

"EWWW STOP DOING THAT!" We both turn to Lily who is closing her eyes and looking away, completely disgusted. We both laugh at her silliness as Jennie goes to pick her up.

"They both wanted to see you, and my father is busy setting up the estate for Lily's birthday party." She explains, beckoning Ella to follow her outside the conference room. I follow them, closing the conference room as we head to one of the extra rooms we have at the Seoul HQ.

We decided to turn it into a lounge area for the agents, and the kids have their own little corner. We usually leave them here if we're very busy since there are always 3-4 agents around.

"You two go play and be nice, alright?" I tell them both, as I gently push them forward into their play corner. Instead of running to their toys, they run to one of the agents in the room.

"Uncle Roth!" They both run to a surprised agent who's talking to his wife. His facial expression turns from confused to happy the moment he sees them.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite two nieces!" He crouches down to their level, opening his arms for a hug. When he stands back up, his eyes meet mine. "General," he says respectfully, giving me a small bow of the head. I return the favor as I study his face.

His hair is a bit sloppy, and his eyes have dark bags under them. He wasn't even a father yet, but he acted as if he had to take care of six kids. I look behind him to see a big cup of coffee in between him and Caine, who was pregnant with their first child. I give him a playful smile as he takes a gulp of the coffee before turning back to me.

"I don't know how you do it, Manoban. But children are," He leans closer to me so that only I could hear, "stressful." I roll my eyes as Ella tugs on his pants, lifting her hands up and making a grabbing motion.

"Uh, uh!" Roth gives a small chuckle as he picks Ella up, ruffling her hair. I smile at my daughter, who still can't pronounce 'p' yet.

"You don't even have children yet Roth. Caine still has a month or so to go, right?" He nods before looking at his wife, who is playing with Lily in the corner.

"So, General, how are things?" I can see the corners of his mouth fight to stay flatlined.

"I told you, you don't need to have the formalities, Roth," I say, as I walk over to the coffee machine and set it for two cups, pulling out some cream and sugar for Jennie and me.

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