【24】- Oh Sh*t

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I open the door of the safehouse, completely ignoring Graves sitting by the door.

"What are you, my father about to scold at me for drinking?" He glares at me, and I can feel the hole burning through my skull. I continue to the stairs, slowly going up them one by one.

"Where's Jennie?" I ask from the top of the stairs.

"She's in the pool with the rest of them." I nod as I reach my father's room, my hand on the keypad.

"If you want to speak, go to my room." I point to the room at the far end of the hallways, waiting for him to start moving. He continues to glare at me until he stands up and heads to my room.

I push open the door and carefully take off the jacket I'm wearing. Grabbing a hanger, I put it back in its place where all the other coats are. Exiting the room, I glance at a picture that he stuck onto his mirror.

It's a picture of me, my mother, my brother, and the ultrasound of me. My brother is gushing over the fact that he's going to have a sister, while my parents both share a kiss in the background.

I gently place my fingers over each of them before leaving the room and locking it. I take off the sweater I'm wearing as I walk down the hall and into my room. Graves is sitting on my bed with his arms crossed as if I owe him an explanation. I just toss my shirt into a basket in the corner as I pick out a plain white shirt that loosely hangs down on one shoulder.

"You didn't tell us everything, did you?" He questions, his eyes fixated on Nyx on my dresser. I walk to the bathroom, splashing water on my face and drying it off before re-entering to answer his question.

"Would you?" I take his silence as a no. I sit on my bed and lie down next to where he's sitting, opening up some random game and playing it.

"What's the relationship with your brother?" I pause my game and throw my phone onto the bed as I pull myself up and sit on the edge.

"The first time we met that I remember was at my dad's funeral. It wasn't the best family reunion. I looked at him and saw the cool big brother that I wanted to spend time with, but also the spitting image of my father. He looked at me and saw a small, weak girl who doesn't know what was in store for me. The one who stole his dream childhood and got all of our parent's love. He hated me, yet he couldn't bring himself to hate me then at such a young age, especially at our father's funeral. He was also upset that I was the one to inherit mostly everything."

"What did you inherit." He looks at me curiously.

"The house, most of their wealth, some other things." I say dismissively waving my hands as if the other 'things' weren't important.

"When did this start?" I lean back onto the bed, looking at the ceiling. My room is the only room with a painted ceiling in the house. My family had some famous artists come in and draw a starry night, the same starry night my brother saw in his dorm room at the agency. They did this so that we felt like we would be closer. They tried their best.

"My mother wanted to make sure that my brother and I got to see each other as much as we could." I start, trying to find any constellations in the painted sky. "She was able to convince the agency that the children should be able to take a break from their training or mission to pay their respects. It was always my mother, brother, and me at 1 pm. We would pay our respects and to brighten the mood, my mother would buy us ice cream. She visits the grave from time to time."

"How do you know?" He asks as he leans back and lies down next to me, staring at the ceiling.

"No one goes to the grave in the park. Most of the locals know it as "the rich man's grave" and they don't touch it. I also bought that acre of the property so if they step on it it's trespassing."

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