【18】- Discreet in Style

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I flinch as Jennie drops the plate she's holding as she runs towards me and hugs me. She instantly regrets it as she clutches her rib, remembering that it was still bruised.

"You're going where?" I turn to see Graves who has just gotten out of the shower and was casually walking around with no shirt on. Williams quickly covered Caine's eyes, much to her protest.

"Thailand." I look at him as he considers it, opening his mouth to protest it. I cut him off before he can say anything, "Smith and his team will be with us. Tell Mr. Kim I'll take very good care of Jennie. I'll be going solely as her bodyguard and nothing else. Any questions? No, great! I'll be packing." I quickly turn to my room and grab a duffle bag. I've never been on a vacation during a mission or a vacation in general. Yes, I'm still doing work, but it's not the same.

There's a soft knock on my door as I rummage through some of the things in the drawers.

"Yes?" I look to see Jennie in high-waisted jeans and a navy shirt. She has a pair of white converse and a small brown backpack on her back.

"All my clothes are dirty," she says sheepishly. I don't know how since she owns more clothes right now than I have in my entire life, but ok.

"It's alright, we're heading to the safe house. You can get clothes from there." She nods and leaves my room, closing the door with her. I grab everything I need and shove them into the bag. Black slacks, a simple white blouse, and a black jacket. A cliché look, but a killer nonetheless. I grab a few knives and throw them in my boot. Finally, I grab a couple of earpieces.

Walking over to Williams' room, I attach Nyx's holster to my pair of jeans and grab my dagger on his nightstand. Must have left it here when I fell asleep. Exiting his room, I grab my keys.

"Let's go, Jennie. Graves, try not to bore me to death with your reports." He starts to protest, but I already slammed the door in his face. I turn to Jennie and lead her to the garage, where I have my bike parked. "Hope you can hold on tight."

I mount the bike and show Jennie how she needs to hold on to me during the ride. Her arms are slung tightly around my waist as I give her a helmet and put on my own. Flicking the visor down, I turn the key

"I hope you know what you're doing" I hear her mutter into my neck. She can't see it, but I smile as I speed out of the garage.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I stop the bike in front of the safehouse. Three cars are already parked in front of the house which means Bravo Team is already here. I pat Jennie's side as a signal to demount the bike. She kicks her leg over the bike and takes her helmet off, her hair cascading down her back.

I point to the safehouse, "Knock on the door and tell them you're with Carver. You should know the house, so just find the room you were staying in and a suitcase. We'll be going in an hour." She nods her head as she knocks on the door. I see Smith open the door and give her a confused look before peaking over her shoulder. I give him a mock salute as I bring my bike to the garage.

Demounting, I hang my helmet on the handle and walk towards the phone connected to the garage. I punch in a few numbers and my bike gets eaten by the floor, only to be replaced with a sleek black car. I open the door connecting the kitchen to the garage, dumping my duffle bag onto the table. I immediately go to the basement to see four other agents packing for the trip.

The first one to notice me immediately stands straight with his arms stiffly at his side. Before he can all the attention of the other agents, I place my finger to his lips. I don't feel like dealing with other agents right now, since I need to make preparations for the trip.

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