【29】- Dry as a Bone

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I wake up to hear a camera clicking infront of me. I shoot my eyes open and instantly narrow them, glaring at Roth as he snaps pictures of me and Jennie. I give him a low growl as he backs up.

"You have 3 seconds to run and hide" I say in a low voice, sitting up. He immediately dashes out of the door.

"3..2..1.." I jump out of bed and chase him as he clutches his phone.

"You can't catch me! I'm the gingerbread man!" He screams in a high-pitced voice as I chase him through the mansion. We get a few weird looks from the staff as we zoom by them, Roth's laughing echos throughout the house. He leads me to the front lawn, drawing a small crowd of staff. I close the distance between me and him, tackling him to the ground and pinning him down. I press my knee to his side, not too much to break or bruise anything, but just enough so that he knows I will if I don't get what I want.

"Phone," I say as I stick my hand out. He glares at me as he gives me his phone. I quickly delete the pictures of Jennie and me sleeping together before I chuck his phone into the fountain in the front of the Kim's mansion. He looks at me in horror as he pushes me off and runs to his phone. I get off from the ground as he fishes for his phone. I scoffed at him as he starts to pat it dry.

It's an agency issued phone, meaning it's waterproof so it's not like the phone isn't going to work.

Graves and Williams runs out of the house in their sleepwear with some staff following them. They look at me brushing off the dirt from my legs to Roth wiping the water from his phone. Williams takes one last look before shaking his head and re-entering the house.

"You're all children" He remarks as he opens the door. Graves soon follows him, chuckling as he imagines what just happened. I just stand there and bow to the staff who has collected in front of the door to see what the commotion was about.

"Have any of you ever seen a teenage boy run 30 mph?" I call out to the staff, who all shake their head. An evil grin forms on my face as I look back at Roth, whose eyes widen with fear as he takes a few steps back.

"3 seconds." He immediately bolts, with me soon following him.

"Come here Jason Roth!" I scream as I chase him in circles around the fountain. I can hear the staff laughing as Roth constantly looks behind him to see me getting closer and closer. He soon realizes that I have much more stamina than him and that I'll catch him soon, so he makes a split second decision and throws his phone somewhere on the lawn before jumping into the fountain.

I immediately stop, pumping my fists in victory as I walk away from the fountain, dry as a bone. I can hear Roth climbing out of the fountain as he curses me out. I continue to walk away with a smug look on my face as I flip him off. I immediately put on a serious face and shove my hand in my pocket as Mr. Kim comes out of the house. He looks at all of his staff as they file back into the house. He then focuses his attention on me, raising his eyebrow for an explanation.

"Teaching my agent a lesson." I state simply, shrugging my shoulders as someone brings Roth a towel. Mr. Kim doesn't question it as he walks back inside the house towards his office.

"An executive officer of the Korean government is going to be coming down to speak with you, Manoban. He'll be here in an hour." He calls out as he enters the house. I enter the house and head upstairs, where Jennie is still asleep. I put on something more appropriate to meet Mr. Executive Officer, so I grab a pair of jean pants and one of Jennie's colorful sweatshirts as I make my way over to the desk in the corner as I make a security plan.

I quickly scan over the layout of the building where the party is supposed to be happening making a few marks here or there as to where I want my men stationed. I look over some files as well as map of the street. I have to carefully place my men as well as who I want next to me and who I want next to Jennie. I can leave the security of Mr and Mrs Kim to the extra security we get.

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