【13】- The Uglier Version of Kim Possible

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I grab my leather jacket as I pull it over my black shirt. I let it loosely cover my gun as I slip my phone and my wallet into my pocket. Grabbing the agency sunglasses on the table, I enter the garage. The girls and all of my agents have already left for Mr. Kim's house. I take the phone in the garage and punch in the combination to have my motorcycle appear. Sure enough, the floor opens up and my ride appears. I turn to Wolf who is standing by the doorway.

"I'll be back for you tonight. Remember if you leave the premises that thing explodes." I say sweetly, as I motion towards the anklet he's wearing. His nose is bandaged and his arms are folded on his chest. It should be healed before I get back, which is always a good thing with the Agency's advanced technology. 

"Is that really necessary?" I just shrug as I mount my bike. I put the key in as it comes to life and flick my visor over my eyes.

"See you in," I check my watch, "12 hours." I give him an enthusiastic wave as I ride my bike out of the garage and onto the streets of Seoul.

I swerve past cars as I make my way through the streets of Seoul. Although I prefer its look at night, it's still strikingly beautiful during the day. It's a quick drive, mostly because I was speeding past any cars in my way and because I was going twice the speed limit. I'm surprised I haven't been pulled over by any police

I pull into the entrance of the Kim estate, scanning my ID. I then continue up their long driveway until I reached their garage. I demount my bike in front of the garage, taking the keys and stuffing them in my pocket as I take my helmet off.

Walking towards the main entrance of the estate, I move my jacket so my badge can catch the sun, as well as the three men coming up to me, who immediately turn around once they see it. As I walk to the doors of the building, I punch in the security code and head inside. I make a few lefts and go up a flight of stairs to the girl's hallway when I bump into someone. I look up and I see a security guard looking at me with a confused expression. I mumble my apologies and give him a slight bow before I hurry off.

"Wait a minute," his voice booming throughout the hall. I roll my eyes, I've been here a week, yet the amount of new faces I see everyday shocks me. How many people do the Kims have working for them?

"You look new, I don't think I've seen you before. Do you know that this is a private estate" I sigh in annoyance as I flash my identification and then start to walk away until he grabs my wrist and I make no hesitation to punch him in the nose.

He bawls over like a baby clutching his nose as I continue to walk down the hall. The Kims have all of their wings sectioned off with additional doors.

I swipe my ID into the security door and put my fingerprint. The door opens and I enter an entirely new section of the house, where Jennie's friends usually crash when they're at her place.

As I walk into the door I see everyone sprawled over the floor or the couch in the living room. I slip my shoes off as I enter the living room, knocking on the wall to get everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone," I say, politely bowing. "We have a tight schedule for you girls" Graves reaches for the remote and turns the T.V off as everyone turns towards me.

"We're all going to go to an amusement park, then we'll meet back here at 5 for dinner with the Kims."

The girls quickly jump up and go to their rooms to get ready. My agents slowly follow them, before I stand in front of them.

"Williams, Graves, and White, you're going to stay here with Mr. and Mrs. Kim." They just nod as they sit back down. Graves makes a move to leave, but I catch his arm before he can slip past me, pulling him down to my level.

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