Their Little Whore

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Dear Ms

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Dear Ms. Paris,

Your presence has been requested by thee Jung Wooyoung and Choi San for the night. The gentlemen have asked for your hair to be curly, light makeup, and a black dress which is on your door.

This is their first time with the Company. Please make sure to take care of our guests.


-The Company

I read over the email a few times and went into the living room to see this dress that was purchased for me tonight. It's not often that I get to work with newbies.

I am sure this night is going to be interesting. I opened the door, and there was a large box. I pulled the box into my apartment and closed the door behind me.

I like these guys already if they are buying me gifts. I wonder what they have in mind. I grabbed my keys off the table and opened the door.

"Versace," I pulled the dress out of the bag. I held it in my arms and felt the real leather next to my skin. How did they know I love high-end things?

I brought the dress into my bedroom and held up to me while I looked at myself in the mirror.

This night is going to be fun.

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