Jealous Yoongi

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I was sitting on the couch watching tv in the living room.

I heard the front door to the apartment open. I heard my boyfriend, Yoongi, and his two friends come in from playing basketball.
He didn't tell me he'd be coming home with anyone and I was kind of bummed that he did. He came into the living room with Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Hey, babe," waved Yoongi.
"Hey, sweetie," I said and got up to hug him. "I didn't know we'd have company. I would have put something decent on."
I had only on some short shorts and a tee shirt.

"Nope, what you have on is perfectly fine," said Taehyung from behind Yoongi. He winked at me.

"Dude," said Yoongi.

"What? He isn't lying. She's thick as fuck," said Jungkook. They both laughed.

I knew what they were trying to do. They were trying to irritate Yoongi. They knew he didn't play games about me. It was mean, BUT days like that, he ravaged me just to prove a point when he got irritated with other guys giving me attention.
Even though, I knew they were trying to get him riled up, I had to think of what good it could do for me.

It's been awhile since we had some play time and I missed it so much. That's why I was kinda bummed when I heard he had company with him tonight when he came home.

"Shit, the things I would do with and to a girl like her," said Taehyung licking his lips while looking at me letting his eyes wander up and down.

Hmmmm, I thought. I would use this to my advantage to get what I want from Yoongi tonight.

"Well, thank you, Tae," I said snickering.

Yoongi whipped his head around and looked back at me.
"Excuse me?" He looked at me with disbelief.
"You heard what Jungkook said. He said I was thick as fuck," I said trying to get him riled up.

"Nya, stop fuckin playing games with me," he warned me while his cheeks turned a bright red.
"Tae, what do you have in mind? What would you do?"
I asked Tae playfully looking at him.

"That's it!" growled Yoongi.
I felt my core warm up. I loved it when he growled.
He turned towards Tae and Jungkook.
"Alright guys. Time for your asses to leave because you guys know I don't play games like this about Nya."
He turned and looked at me. "And she knows I don't play games period."

"All I did was ask him a simple question, babe," I said innocently looking at him.

"Innocent my ass," he snarled back.

I looked at him and smiled.

He stopped and he looked like he was thinking as Tae and JK got ready to leave.

"On second thought guys, I want you guys to watch this."

"Watch what?" Asked JK turning around.

"Me punish Nya."

I snapped my face up to look at Yoongi and he was smirking at me.

"You want to show off in front of them. You will get SHOWN off in front of them."

I gulped thoroughly enjoying this side of Yoongi, but he had never punished me in front of anyone EVER. I was nervous as hell, but excited as fuck!

"Oh, fuck yes," I heard Tae murmur.

Yoongi walked over to the couch.

"Come here, slut," he snarled at me.

I slowly walked over to him staring at him as I felt my skin tingle. He usually only called me that when he's irritated with me, but it always turned me on.

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