Detention Part 2

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Disclaimer: Everything I say about Peter is more than slightly biased, because I'm not- I guess you could just say I'm not a fan of Peter Pettigrew. This is all simply my opinion, and if you disagree, that's totally cool, but please be respectful about it!

~3rd person POV, 7th year~

Sirius frowned at James' eager prank planning on their way up the stairs. "Are you not the slightest bit worried about what Peter was so tense about?"

"No, why would I be?" James pushed his glasses up his nose, but they immediately slid down again as he bounced up the next couple steps.

Remus raised an eyebrow without looking up from his book. "Why wouldn't you? We just did far more work than we should have done because Peter decided to leave, in case you didn't notice."

Sirius wrapped his arm around Remus's shoulders and took his bag from him, slinging it over his head, knowing that the full moon was making Remus snappy. "I'd just like to know what he needed, and why he didn't tell us." Sirius says. "We're supposed to be his friends."

James shrugged, still clearly unconcerned. "It's probably not important, but if it is he'll tell us when he's ready."


"Look," James sighed, not tired, but understanding, "I get it, but think about it this way. If Pete and I questioned you guys every time both of you were conveniently missing -"

Sirius cough loudly and tightened his arm around Remus, poking him playfully while glaring at James, even though there was no heat behind it. Remus smirked, but his eyes stayed stubbornly glued to his book. 

James plowed on, ignoring them both. "Would you guys have come out to us when you did?"

Sirius looked up at at Remus, who was leaning on Sirius as they ascended the stairs, jumper sleeves curled around his hands and his nose buried in The Tales of Beedle the Bard. He finally glanced at Sirius and shook his head at James hesitantly. 

"See? You guys might not have even come out at all. Give Pete his time, okay?" James smiled and continued his overly energetic skipping and scheming. 

Sirius tried to let it go, - can't hold it back anymore!- but a nagging feeling stayed in his gut. I trust them, he told himself firmly, trying to dismiss the thoughts, instead honing in on James' elaborate new idea.

~Peter's POV~

-Just saying I don't agree with almost anything Peter says in this part okay, it was just a challenge to try and get myself to rationalize why he did what he did.-

It didn't really work, but anyway.

Peter let out a breath as he slipped out of the Transfiguration corridor, leaving the other three Marauders coated with sticky solution in his wake. He silently thanked his stars for James' unbreakable trust and unwavering loyalty. Which you exploited - sorry I'll stop.

It's not like he was planning on purposefully spying on the Order! Well, not really anyway. At this point, far more was on the line than something as petty as which side you're fighting on. Finally, only one person can win, and Peter was determined to be on that person's side.

He knew that all of this was like a tower made of exploding snap cards. If he messed up, it would explode and the carefully developed structure of lies would come tumbling down, banging and blasting and alerting everyone around what he was doing.

Mulciber and Avery and the rest of their lot cornered him regularly, forcing him to cough up information on what Dumbledore was planning, which he never had, and he paid dearly for it. Death threats were a normal occurrence, and hexes, curses, and jinxes were not uncommon.

Really, he didn't want to lose his friends. But he also wanted to live, and between a choice of his friends or his life, Peter knew he would have to choose life. 

~What Peter didn't know though, was that the extended life he chose would be a miserable one.~ 

Here is part 2, or aka me -trying- to push myself out of writers block! 

Part 3? 

- The Wizarding Elf 

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