That's the Day I Became a Marauder

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~ James POV ~ 

I sat in front of my private teacher who was trying to teach me Latin in vain. I was tired of just being known as a pureblood. There was more to my personality. I started to think of ways to get out of learning things no child should be learning at age nine. 

That's the day I became a Marauder. 

~ Peter POV ~ 

I looked around at the other people in my compartment. New people who I don't have to hide my magic from, because they're wizards too, not muggles. 

That's the day I became a Marauder. 

~ Sirius's POV ~

I stumbled up to the stool, the hat sagging over my head. It muttered in my ear about things like defiance and courage.

And then it said the word that changed my life.


That's the day I became a Marauder.

~ Remus's POV ~

I let my father drag me to the station by my arm. He stopped by the train and looked down at me, his eyes full of resentment and loathing.

Without a word, he removed a spoon from his pocket and pressed it into the palm of my hand. I flinched.

The spoon was silver.

He let go of my arm and walked away, leaving me with a very light trunk with only half the supplies needed, and a stinging palm. And in a flash, I realized; I'm free. For a whole year. For the first time in my life, my dad won't be there to bully me and yell at me around every corner. 

That's the day I became a Marauder.

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