Talk With Trouble 9

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To Everyone:  Is cereal soup? 

Lily: I mean, technically, since it has milk and it's a liquid with solids inside it yes,  BUT technically not since there are no vegetables, broth, meat or anything 

(What do you guys think?)

To Everyone: If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? 





Sirius: wHy aRE yOu aLL lOokiNG aT mE aGain?!?!

To Everyone: How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?

Sirius: Technically, only one if it hit the right spot

James: Really? Which spot? 

Sirius: I dunno, I didn't think that far ahead, ask Remus or Lily. Maybe the eye? 

Lily: That wouldn't kill it, dingbat 

Remus: Perhaps if three or four large chickens suffocated a small elephant, with the right circumstances 

Lily: True. . . or if this elephant happened to have a breathing problem 

Remus: Or happened to be extremely old 

To Everyone: What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?

James: Only one? 

Lily: . . . . . How many do you have? 

James: *pulls five inch thick scroll from his pocket* 

James: *starts unrolling it* 

James: Well, first- 

 To Everyone: If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, what would it be called?

Remus: Hmm. . . 

Remus: Nut Creme 

James: I mean you can't really beat that 

Sirius: Pounded Peanut Pulp; Potentially Poison to a Percentage of People? 

Lily: Remus' is still better 

To Sirius, from James: How did it feel? 

Sirius: ???

Sirius: How did what feel? 

James: *turns dramatically* 

James: *points towards Remus hugging a cat*

James: To be stabbed in the back? 

Hi everyone! First of all, a special thanks to @AstroCaLunafor their help with this week's update! 

I had far too much fun writing this, the questions were so much fun. For an extended amount of time I literally had a tab open that said "soup definition" so I could find he technicalities of what qualifies as a soup. 

Thank you to everyone who has commented and added this book to reading lists! 

- The Wizarding Elf 

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