Bad Hair Day

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If you put on Wolfstar by The Whomping Willows for this part it makes it even better. 

~Sirius POV, Wolfstar and Jilly are together~

I flopped on to my bed, throwing my bag on the floor.  James looked up from reading Quidditch through the Ages. 

"Tired Padfoot?" He grinned. I buried my face into my blanket and crawled under it.  

"Go away." 

"Pardon?" He asked, pretending to not hear me. He sighed, " Minnie's essay get to you?"

I peek out from under the red and gold covers and roll my eyes. "It takes more than a mere essay to beat me Prongs!" I say, with a look of mock hurt on my face. 

"Really then? Why don't you go bother Remus?" 

"He kicked me out of the library for that very reason."

"I'm not surprised." 

James yelps as my pillow hits him in the head. 

" What's wrong Prongs? A pillow got to you?" I teased.

He snatches his wand from his bedside and smirks. "It takes more than a mere pillow to beat me Siri." 

I roll my eyes. "Sure."

"Challenge accepted." 

I squeak and lunge for my wand, grabbing it just in time to block a face full of snow from the open window. I send all of it back to hit James on the back of his head.

"Look! I didn't know it was possible!" I gasp, pointing to James in shock.

"What?" He looks around frantically, trying to find what I'm looking at. I stand up and put the back of my hand on my forehead. 

"You hair got worse! The impossible has happened!" I pretended to faint, falling dramatically onto the floor with a quick non-verbal cushioning spell. 

James flicks his wand with a smirk on his face and I feel a strange pull on my hair. He bursts out laughing. 

Peter helpfully chose that moment to walk into the dorm, staring at my hair. 

"James Potter." I growl, feeling two pigtails on the back of my head. (I'm imaging Sirius in pigtails right now-) 

I try to undo them, but they're stuck with some sort of charm. Peter is patting James on the back while James coughs from laughing too much, while trying and failing to not laugh himself. I stomp off to the bathroom. 

~James POV~ 

I hear a distressed cry from the bathroom. 


I bite my lip in an attempt to stem my laughter and stroll into the bathroom, Peter hurrying along with me. 

"You called?" 

Sirius has his hands on his hips with a murderous expression on his face. His normally black hair is green with the ends dyed pink, tied up in two pigtails.

"Do you have a death wish?" He asks sweetly. Peter giggles behind me. I frown and tap my chin with my wand. 

"I mean-" I get cut off by the sound the door slamming open. Remus runs into the room, his wand drawn. 

"WHO SCREAMED? I was coming back from the library and I heard a scream that sounded like Sirius'- " He choked on his words and bent over attempting to cover his laugh with a cough. 

Sirius looks relived by the arrival of Remus. " Moonyyyyy! Prongs is being meeeeannnnn!" He whines. 

Remus straights up, casting a quick shield charm before tucking his wand back into his robes. "I can see that." 

"Please undo the spell." 

~Remus POV~

I glance toward James and sigh. "And that is why I cast a shield charm. Siri, this charm can only be removed by the person who cast it." 

Sirius buries his head in his hands. Then he looks up, an idea clearly forming. He changes into Padfoot, glances in the mirror, barks, and promptly goes to hide under his bed. I stifle a laugh. 

His furry ears are still green with pink ends. 

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