~ Little Drabbles and Headcanons ~

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Hi everyone! 

Today I was feeling really uninspired so I made this sort of compilation of small ideas I've had that have no plot. 

Just a little fluff storm today : )

-  Remus is the kind of person who folds his socks, agreed

- but only if he can find them 


". . . . . Remus?" Sirius called in confusion. 

Remus poked his head into the room to see Sirius kneeling with a dusty sock in his hand.  "Yeah Pads?"

"Why was your sock stuck to the bottom of the dresser?" Sirius asked, waving it slightly.

Remus shrugged. "Happens all the time. You never know where those little gits will end up." 

"Stuck?!?! To the bottom of the dresser!?!? Defying gravity?!?!" 

Remus just shrugged again and left, leaving Sirius with an old sock in his hand and bewilderment written all over his face. 


- Remus John Lupin is a walking disaster. 

- He is so contradicting. 

- Sometimes, he's the neatest person you will ever meet, with hand written notes and folded ties. 

- But at the same time, the neat parchment is curled around sloppy, slanted handwriting, there are broken quills shoved under his bed, too small clothing shoved into the bottom of his trunk, and ink stains all over his book bag. 

- No one understands it

- He can insult the life out from someone who angered him WHILE helping a child with their homework 

- Sirius would know

- He was the child 


"I think they sell frog brains in Diagon Alley, you should go check! You could use one! And don't worry, they're all one size, and should fit in your head just fine. Yup, you're right Sirius, that is a transfiguration spell. Anyways, the brains shouldn't be too expensive-" 


Small update this week, I've been so busy. If you have any requests or ideas, please feel free to comment them! Thank you for all of the reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

t h r e e p o i n t s i x k i c a n ' t b e l i e v e i t t h a n k y o u s o m u c h

- The Wizarding Elf 

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