Babysitting Part 2

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I wrote this in collaboration with one of my best friends!

~Remus's POV~

"Hey Remus!?" Sirius yells from upstairs.

"What?" I shout back, trying to get Harry to eat something. "Harry! No!" I cry as Harry flips his bowl of peas onto the ground happily. "Harry! "I groan. That was the fourth time today!

"Remus!" Sirius says again, coming down the stairs. 


"Where's my jacket? I can't find it anywhere-" 

"I don't really care right now Pads." I sigh. 

Sirius gasps and flops backward onto James' and Lily's couch. "I thought you would be one of the people who would actually care!"

I roll my eyes and bite back a smile. "Well, think again. Now help me clean this mess up, instead of lying there acting like a sloth." Sirius pouts but gets up anyways. I lift Harry out of his highchair and start to make my way towards the playroom. 

Sirius waves his wand and the whole mess is cleaned in the blink of an eye. I grin. "Why couldn't you keep your side of the dorm clean like that?" 

Sirius laughs. "Because."

"Because what?"

"Because I had you to do that for me." 

"Well lucky for me, now you don't." 

"Lucky for you?" He says. "It should be an HONOR to get to sort my stuff!" 

I scoff. "Half of 'your stuff' is jumpers you stole from me!"

"Rightfully so." 

"What do you mean??? They're mine!- you know what if we don't stop now we'll keep arguing until James and Lily come back. Come on." I say, picking Harry up again. 

"Where?" Sirius asks. 

"To the kitchen." 


"Just come on you idiot. You'll see. "

I drag Siri behind me all the way to the soon-to-be-messy kitchen with Harry toddling beside me, holding my hand. I lift Harry up onto the counter and task Sirius with finding some bowls and spatulas. 

It was a struggle. Sirius and Harry kept trying to eat the cookie dough, and Sirius couldn't get the butter to melt, but after dropping four eggs, knocking over a milk bottle, and overturning a bag of flour, we finally managed to get a batch of chocolate chip cookies onto a tray and into the oven. 

"Ok, I need you to go give Harry a bath while I clear up here." I tell Sirius, handing Harry over. 

"Why do I have to give Harry a bath?" Sirius whines. 

"Why not?" I say, turning to stack some bowls. Sirius huffs at me. I turn around and giggle. 

"What?" Sirius asks. 

"N-nothing," I manage, my voice shaking from suppressed laughter. 

"What?" Sirius looks down at himself and frowns. I take a deep breath to collect myself and point at his hair. 

"You-you have  flour in your hair." 

Sirius shrieks and tries to brush it off, but only succeeds in getting more flour from his hands onto the black strands. 

Harry babbles and makes grabby hands toward Sirius's hair. I smile and move closer to Sirius so that Harry could reach with his short little arms, and watch as he tries to help but only succeeds in pulling Siri's hair and coating it in more flour. 

YES. I'm writing my first longer oneshot in FOREVER! It's kind of rushed, but it's progress! 

- The Wizarding Elf

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