Talk With Trouble 4

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To everyone: What are your three biggest pet peeves?

Remus: That's easy. James, Sirius, and mismatched socks.

Remus: Two of which are actual pets.




Lily: *nodding* Understandable.

To Sirius: If money was not an issue, what would you buy?

Sirius: A flying motorbike

Remus: Sirius we've been over this, you can't legally enchant it-

Sirius: Who said I was going to do it legally?

To everyone: Are you good with time management?

Remus: Yup

James: Um, I'm ok?

Lily: No, I'm usually a frazzled mess :)

Peter: Yes

Sirius: *poker face* Yes





James: You are late to l i t e r a l l y everything, and your essays are written at 2am the day that they're due

Sirius: Yeah, on purpose!

James: That's not good time management

To everyone: What do you usually have for breakfast?

Remus: Well, most of the time, I eat toast but that kind of gets blown since someone steals it all-

Sirius: I'm always late! It's easier to take it from you rather than go and butter my own!

Remus: We literally walk to breakfast together, what do you mean 'you're always late'?!

Sirius: Just because I'm physically there doesn't mean I am mentally present -which is honestly such a mood-

Remus: That's not my problem! Get your own toast!

Sirius: You keep extra pieces aside for me!

Remus: *sputtering* To keep you from taking mine-

To everyone: What's your dream job?

Sirius: An Auror

James: An Auror, probably, but I also wouldn't mind getting into politics

Lily: A Healer

Remus: *a little quietly* A teacher

Lily: Alright Rem we have talked about this, speak up, there is absolutely nothing to feel shy or ashamed about, you'd make a p e r f e c t teacher, anyone who thinks otherwise can fight me, I will hex their behind into next century because you are the most patient, kind, attentive, and caring being among us, don't make me keep going, I drafted a 3 foot essay with Sirius for this situation and I'm three seconds away from summoning it. 

Hey guys, so I haven't done one of these in a while, hope you enjoyed!

Also, happy new year!

- The Wizarding Elf

Edit: Ok, so it turns out that in my haste to get this published, it didn't actually publish last to last week? I-


Sorry guys, I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again! 

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