James Constantly Forgetting He's a Wizard

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- James impatiently waiting by the microwave holding his spoon between his teeth, squinting at some parchment. Lily walks in and asks why he didn't just use a heating charm 

(bold of me to assume James can use a microwave without exploding it) 

- James running down the stairs with his arms full of objects that keep falling and Remus, following him, doesn't look up from his book and levitates all the fallen objects after him

- James searching everywhere for his glasses before Sirius accios them from off his head and hands them to him

- James hurrying for napkins to clean up after Harry threw his food and Lily yelling 'Scourgify!' from upstairs to remind him because 'Merlin, James, are you a wizard or what?" 

- When the whole crew is out James forgets something at his house and asks Sirius for his motorbike keys so he can go back and grab it. Sirius stares at him and holds up two fingers. "First of all, apparition, second, accio. But by all means Prongs, here's the keys, go get your stuff. Maybe look for your memory while you're at it." 

(Sirius is one to talk, he does the same thing at least thrice a day) 

- Lily goes on a grocery trip and James drops his favorite pen behind the couch. He couldn't lift it, and - oh look at that - Nerd!James from school comes out and he makes a full lever/pulley system to move the couch instead of levitating, summoning, or magically getting his pen in any way. Lily opens the door with an armful of bags to James surrounded by ropes.
Lily loses it when she notices James' wand in part of the system, and loses it even more when the thing works. She beats him by using her wand to summon the pen into her hand before James can finally grab it

- When the electricity goes out when James and Lily are visiting Wolfstar's apartment, James scrambles for a light, trips on a rug, catches himself on the table, but then slips again and falls on his face before Remus casts lumos and gives him The Look that says What In The Name Of Merlin, Prongs

- Bonus; He breaks his glasses falling on his face like that and literally asks Remus if they have any spell-o-tape.  Gathered fandom members, I present; Harry Potter's father. 

Hi everyone! 

I wasn't up to writing a full oneshot, but I wasn't feeling another Talk with Trouble though, and then this popped into my head when I was microwaving some food a few days ago!

Thank you guys so, SO much for all the votes, comments, and reads, I can't begin to express how much it mean to me. 

Also, happy pride month!!!!!! 

- The Wizarding Elf 

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