Never Underestimate Fiction

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Reading has taught me a lot. 

The Deathly Hallows taught me that greed is a dangerous thing. 

Sirius Black taught me that friends are a family you choose, and that no one can tell you who you are, and I'm going to go get tissues. 

Remus Lupin taught me that every problem has a solution, (including furry ones!)

James Potter taught me how to be oblivious, and that you should always get to know someone before you judge them.

Lily Evans taught me how to be an absolute queen, how to boss and sass people around, and that a little kindness goes a long way. 

Peter Pettigrew taught me some traitors deserve worse than death.

Fred and George Weasley taught me to disregard what others say and follow my passion.

Rubeus Hagrid taught me some people deserve second chances.

Hedwig taught me life is a fragile thing, and that I should have more tissues when I read.

Dobby the free elf taught me that something as small as a sock can be life changing, and . . .  I'm running out of tissues. 

Dumbridge taught me how to hate someone with the whole of my heart. (She doesn't deserve to have her full name mentioned)

Severus Snape taught me that you should turn to page 394, and that some people are not to be trusted. 

Alastor Moody taught me to always watch my back, and COnsTAnT VIgiLaNce!

Minerva McGonagall taught me adults can sass the life out of you too. 

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore taught me that *insert your favorite Dumbledore quote here* 

Draco Malfoy taught me what sound a ferret makes, and that people do strange things under pressure. 

Luna Lovegood taught me to not ignore the obvious, and that wisdom can come from strange places.

Neville Longbottom taught me to not underestimate, and that looks can be deceiving. 

Ron Weasley taught me answers have difficult paths, often involving spiders. 

Hermione Granger taught me that studying pays off, and that you can never be too prepared.

Harry Potter taught me the difference between being heroic and being dumb, and that sometimes, the most simple things make the biggest impact. 

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