Talk With Trouble 8

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To Remus: What is the talent you take most pride in? 

Remus : I can -

James: Consuming copious amounts of chocolate is not a talent, Moony

Remus: what?!?! Fine. 

Remus: I can sta-

Sirius: Staying awake for four days non stop (because he can't say straight to Remus) still isn't a talent, Moons

James: (ever the mother hen) It's a hazard but continue 

Remus: I can stand you lot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week



Lily: *applauding* skill

To Everyone: What is your favorite season?

Sirius: Not summer

Remus: Fall 10,000 %

Remus: Or winter

James: Probably summer  

To Everyone: What would be your last meal?

Remus: probably something James tried to cook

Lily: Probably 

James:    D : < 

Sirius: I mean they're not wrong 




James: yeah ok you're right 

To Everyone: What's your favorite place to study? 

Remus: The library 

Sirius: Please, tell me, what on Earth made you think I study 

James: Depends, usually the common room

Remus: You never get any studying done in the common room! 

James: Yeah well it didn't ask when you ACTUALLY end up studying, just where you like to! 

To Everyone: How do you like your coffee? When do you drink it? 

Remus: I'm more of a tea person, but with lots of creamer and sugar. I rarely ever drink it 

Lily: A creamer and a little sugar, just to wake me up in the morning 

Sirius: No milk, roughly 6 sachets of sugar, all day everyday 

James: Orange juice 

To Lily & Remus: If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be? 



Lily: Guys? 

Both: *turn to face Sirius and James* 

Remus: This was your doing, wasn't it

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