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^I don't own the picture! 

"Harry no don't touch that!" Sirius said running toward Harry's small chubby form on the carpet. He gently pried his wand out of Harry's hand and stuck it in his hair. "Ok um, REMUS!"

Remus can running into the playroom. "What's wrong?" 

"Keep your wand somewhere that Harry won't be able to reach; he keeps grabbing mine! Pass it on to Pete."

 "Mmmk." Remus hastened to conjure a Patronus and speak to it, while Sirius did his best to keep Harry distracted. 

"Here Harry! Look at the rattle! Look!" Sirius slumped and put the toy down in defeat. "What does a child find interesting?" 

Remus shrugged. "Oh, um, try casting your Patronus! I think he'll like that." 

Sirius sighed. "Worth a shot. Nothing else has worked," he said, gesturing to the piles of discarded toys. 

Sirius said the incantation and a sliver dog shot out the tip of his wand. Harry gasped and waddled after it as it bounced around the room gently. Remus waved his wand, and a wolf joined the dog in playing with Harry. Sliver light lit up Harry's face as he struggled to keep up with the graceful animals. 

Sirius smiled and turned into Padfoot. He nudged Harry from behind. Harry turned and cooed at the large black dog sitting beside him, blabbering as he pulled at Sirius's fur. 

I've been so busy this week, sorry about the short update! But imagine baby Harry in a shirt covered in golden snitches with tiny a leather jacket on top waddling after Padfoot and Remus standing in the doorway  with Lily and James on video call taking pictures-


How it should have gone. 

- The Wizarding Elf

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