Hospital Wing

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^I don't own the picture! This made me cry. "Just never leave

~Remus POV~

I rub my forehead. "So let me get this s̶t̶r̶a̶i̶g̶h̶t̶  (because he's not) . You blasted James into a tree from 10 feet away and he broke his arm falling out of said tree?" 

Sirius nods. "Pretty much, yeah." 

I shake my head. "Unbelievable." 

Sirius turns to look at James, his arm wrapped in a bandage, sitting on a cot.

"It was justified though."

I frown. "What?"

Sirius points at James. "You stole my bag and hung it up on the ceiling so I couldn't reach it!"

"Couldn't you just use your wand?" I ask.

"He stole that too!" Sirius yells.

"Not sorry." James grins. "It was totally worth it." 

Peter giggles from the other side James. 

"He was jumping and screaming death threats, and Lily wouldn't help him" 

"I can imagine." I say, holding back a laugh. 

"Pomfrey said I'll be good to go in half an hour." James says. 

"When did she say this?" 

"Just before she let you guys in."

I stand. "Great. I'll be finishing my essay in the common room."

Sirius jumps up. "I'll come!" 

But I know he just wants to set up another prank for when James and Pete come in. 

He probably did like a trip wire or something. That James stepped over because he's tall and has a long stride. And then Pete tripped, knocking James over. And Remus was in the corner, questioning his life decisions, but he was smiling too.

And just to be mean, a friendly reminder that Remus lost all his friends in one night. 

- The Wizarding Elf

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