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^I don't own the picture! But this is one of the greatest things ever.

"Do you remember me telling you we were practicing nonverbal spells, Potter?"

"Yes," said Harry stiffly.

"Yes sir."

"There's no need to call me 'sir', Professor." 

- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, page 180

 I quote it so much. 

This is based off of a headcannon I've seen

~Remus and Peter are waiting for James and Sirius's signal for a prank~

*rock comes skidding across the floor*

Peter: There it is let's go!

Remus: No

Remus: Wait

*explosion sounds*

Remus: Ok let's go

I'll try and have an actual oneshot up soon, but writer's block is annoying.

- The Wizarding Elf

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