Out of Bed

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^I don't own the picture! 

So it says someone please write a fic. Um so. I know this has already been done, but you know what? I'm going to do it anyway. 

"So we're not technically breaking the rules." Remus points out. 

"We're still on our beds!" Sirius adds. 

"And we managed to levitate them! -which might have been more trouble than it was worth- but we did it!" James says. 

"Yeah!" Peter mumbles. 

McGonagall rubs her forehead. "You-" she sighs. "Please go back to your dormitory for the night. We will discuss this in the morning." 

Remus nods and when he shoots the other a look, they do too. "Of course Professor." 

McGonagall frowns, clearly suspicious, but never the less turns to leave, while Remus herds the marauders in the direction of their common room. 

Once McGonagall is gone, he turns to his friends. "She said for the night. It's 15 minutes to midnight, then it'll be morning. "

Sirius grins. "Moony you genius!" 

Remus shushs him while grinning himself. "She knows we had to shrink our beds to get them out the the common room: that wasn't easy spell work. We'll be fine." 

I'm going to make a short collection of one shots about the marauders babysitting Harry, thanks to the request from @thebookqueen23 !

- The Wizarding Elf

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