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Ariana POV

I woke up to a tap on my shoulder. My eyes opened slowly and I jumped a little because Courtney was staring at me with a confused face mixed with a smirk. Her face made me confused until I realized I was laying on top of something? I looked around noticing that i was... sleeping on Y/N. 

I slowly got up and luckily he didn't wake up. Courtney motioned for me to follow her to another room. We went into my room and she shut the door then, "Oh my god. Oh my god, that's cute butt dude. The guy. That... YOU spilled a drink on. He's here!" She quickly yelled a little with her surprised reaction, making me worrisome. 

"Court you're going to wake him up. But yeah... I invited him over. We hung out. So what?" I was trying to ignore the whole, sleeping on him thing. But I know it won't ever work. I would be asking if I found someone in a situation like this... considering that I do have a fiancé. 

She eyed me not believing my whole attempt at being relaxed with it. "He stayed the night. You were sleeping on him. You've known him for how long?" Courtney pointed out the points I didn't want to face. 

"I just feel comfortable with him," I said. 

"Mmmm, that's a really close kinda comfortable for someone you've known for a day? What about Pete?" 

"Pete is still my fiancé. This is just new friend. Hear that? Just a friend." ______________________________________________________________________________

"So who's gonna wake this dude up?" Courtney said. "He's so hot. Damn." 

I laughed lightly at Courtney. "I think we should let him wake up on his own."

"But we were supposed to go out today..." She looked at me with a smirk on her face. Oh no. "WAKE UP DUDE! WAKEEEEE UP!" She shook him by his shoulders. Toulouse came running into the room and started barking at Courtney. More noise, great.

"Courtney! Toulouse! What the fuck!" I pulled Courtney away from Y/N and looked back to see him waking up. Toulouse hopped up on him and sat there like a fierce little guy. 

He yawned a little and rubbed his eyes, like a little baby waking up. Noticing Toulouse, he smiled at him, "Hey little guy." He looked over at Courtney and I, his face changed but I couldn't pick out what it meant, "Oh, hi." Courtney and I greeted him in response. He quickly got up, laying Toulouse down on the floor then quickly running his hands over his clothes, straightening them out. "I'm sorry that I stayed the night. I swear I didn't mean to. Honestly, I don't remember when I fell asleep. I'll go now." 

"No, it's fine. It's really not something to worry about." I quickly had to think, I didn't want him to leave yet, "Do you want to stay for breakfast?" I asked. 

Courtney looked at me with a confused look. I know we were supposed to go out but, "I'm sorry, I can't stay. I have a bunch of homework to do... I really would've loved to say." He went to the door, to put on his shoes. Then went up to both Courtney and I, hugging us. "I just realized you might not even be huggers. Sorry. Ah, I'm gonna go." He opened the door then looked back saying, "I guess, I may see you later." Then left and shut the door. 

When he left my face fell to a pout. Too bad he couldn't have stayed. "Girl, it's like you forgot about me? What were you doing asking him to stay?" Courtney piped up. 

I looked behind myself, "Oh." 


That was honestly the best sleep I've had in awhile. That couch is super comfy. Maybe I should get a couch like that. 

Right now, I was on my way home, I walked towards the apartment and bought a coffee on the way there. Once I reached the apartment, I opened the door to be confronted by my sister. Her face was serious but then she looked at me smiling and started to smirk. "Where have you been?" She asked me with a raise of her eyebrows. 

"I fell asleep at Ari's place... oh, she's the girl I told you about." I responded and I swear my sister's smirk grew. 

My little brother came out to where we were, I notice him but my sister didn't. Her head was too focused on making assumptions, "Sure, fell asleep. Mhmmm." My sister was about to say more but my little brother was noticed by her now. 

"Y/N! You're home! Where were you?" Paco came over and gave me a big hug. After I took my jacket off and hung it up. 

"I was hanging out with a friend little guy. I think I made a new friend." I told him. 

A/N: Please like & comment to let me know if anyone likes this story. Give me any feedback! Negative or positive. 

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