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I got ready to go out and left the building on the cold night. Apparently her place wasn't that far from mine. The address she sent was about a 15 minute walk, I think. When I got to the building, I walked up to the door and it seemed like I had to be buzzed in somehow. She did tell me to tell her when I got here, so I pulled out my phone to call her. ______________________________________________________________________________

Once she arrived at the door, I was let in, "Hi!" She said with a big smile on her face. I responded greeting her too and we walk into what seem to be the lobby. This place was very fancy. She must be really successful or maybe a trust fund baby. 

Ariana POV

I took him up the elevator with me, punching in the code to my place and it was fairly silent. Which I didn't mind, I think he was taking in his surroundings, his eyes looked all over the elevator. 

Once the door opened, it opened to my floor, we stepped out of the elevator and then I guided him to the door to my place. "I hope you don't mind dogs." I quickly thought about it. Some people are scared of dogs. 

"Dogs are the best!" He quickly responded with. His voice showed excitement making me smile. 

Toulouse and Myron came running for the door, wanting to do their little interrogation thing. They sniffed him then quickly became accustomed as they begged to be pet. I watched as Y/N immediately sat down on the floor and played happily with my dogs. 

Soon, he got up still with a bright smile, "What are your dog's names?" 

"This is Toulouse, I got him five years ago, and this is Myron, I just recently got him." I teared up a little thinking of why I got Myron. I quickly stopped and wiped my eyes before he noticed. I'd rather not tell him all about it now. 

He was looking around the room seeming a little bit caught up in the look of it. "Oh cool, I have a dog at home, his name is Cooper." He looked back at me then spoke up again, "This is a big place. Very comfy looking too," he took his jacket off to get more comfortable and still had his hoodie on. ______________________________________________________________________________

Both of us were seated on the couch right now. I was honestly really nervous because I didn't know what to talk about. I was glad when he decided to speak. 

"So um... I'm Y/N, I feel like I might have needed to tell you this. I don't know if you remember my name that one time it was mentioned... I also happen to forget your name." He lightly laughed with an awkward smile. 

"I'm Ariana. But you can call me Ari or... or- or whatever you want really," I told him. Why did I stutter a bit?

"Ok cool. Hi Ari, so I don't know if you mind me asking but, since this place is big and all, I doubt it would be cheap. What do you do for a living?" He asked me. He quickly caught himself, "Wait, if it's anything illegal like a drug lord, feel free to keep me out of the loop." I laughed at his caution towards the subject. 

I wondered if I should tell him. I feel like I could trust him but people have let me down in the past. Or maybe he's different, "I'm in the music industry."

"That's so cool. So what kind of job do you have in the industry?" This is my step into knowing whether I can trust him or not. 

Can I trust him? "Nothing special. I'm just a writer for various artists. It pays good money." 

"Oh that's cool super cool." He asked. 

I'm playing it safe. Someday I'll tell him the full truth. ______________________________________________________________________________

We talked for hours not needing any background sounds to ease the silence because there was no silence. I feel so comfortable talking to him. I mean it's so unbelievable. 

Apparently he grew up in New York City. He's in university for a undergraduate degree currently. He told me about all the music he listens to and his best friend. I noticed by his music taste that he's probably never listened to me before. I also learned more about the random little things about him. I wanted to know as much about this guy because for some reason, he's just got this pull on me. 

We talked for hours which seemed like minutes. I couldn't get enough time talking to him. 

A/N: Please like & comment to let me know if anyone likes this story. Give me any feedback! Negative or positive. 

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