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Monday, June 3rd, 2019

Palermo, Italy


We were now walking with Rosa to my family's place, it's apparently about a 7 minute walk. She was telling us more about my mom along the way there. Hearing some of the stories had introduced me to the mom that I never got to know.

"And here we are. Are you sure you really want this?" Ellie and I looked in front of us to see a run down two story home. I looked at Rosa and nodded, in response. "Ok... I will knock."

A jolt of nervousness shot up my spine making me shake a little as Rosa's fist knocked on the door. I guess I'm as ready as I can ever be.

Soon enough, we heard footsteps approaching the entrance and the door was opened by a small older woman. She had hair that was a mix of grey, black and white.

We stood there by the entrance. Ellie was holding her bag of popcorn, while eating away. I was once again frozen and shocked. Rosa had an awkward facial expression on her face. "You. Why are you here? And who are these people?" The older woman said while scanning Ellie and I.

"This is Y/N Y/LN and Ellie Cortez. They are from New York." Rosa explained. The older woman came to a realization once hearing our names or more specifically, mine.

She looked me up and down again. "Y/LN? You belong to my Mia?" Her eyes had softened as she spoke, switching to English.

I nodded my head and responded to her in actual words, "Yes, Mia is my mother."

"Arnaldo! Arnaldo! Call Gianna, Teresa, Greta, Bruno, Feo, and Pietro! Now! Now!" 


This had become too much, more than what I had expected. Aurelia, my mom's mother, had gathered much family to be here in her house whether it be virtual from her children's phones, or in person. "Everyone, this is Mia's son, Y/N and his friend, Ellie..." She gestured towards me, waiting for me to greet them. 

"Oh, hello." I stood there awkwardly.

Although Ellie had made herself comfortable, kicked back and relaxed, sitting in a comfy looking chair, "Sup dudes!" I couldn't help but laugh a little, she's great at easing the atmosphere. 

The faces before me displayed happiness, confusion and sadness (?). "Y/N and Ellie, this is Feo, Bruno, and Gianna who all have decided to stay here in Sicily. Here on these devices are Teresa, coming from Spain, Greta, coming from Peru, and Pietro coming from Singapore."

All of them greeted me with their voices overlapping. They had all seemed to wanted to start a conversation with me as they were looking at me and the voices grew louder, one trying to talk over the other. "Shut up, you're going to scare him away,"Aurelia said and they all stopped talking. She looked towards me, "I am sorry I haven't let you speak much. But I must ask, we must ask, how is Mia?"







Thursday, June 6th, 2019

Palermo, Italy


I was now sitting in an airport of Palermo and ready to head back to the U.S. Everyone of us was ready to go home now. All of us were taking the first connecting flight to Dublin. 

The past was a bit of a bummer for me. The visit didn't go as well as the positive possibility set in the back of my head. But, I don't truly know them, so there's no loss. There should be no hurt. 

Apparently Aurelia, my biological grandmother as I choose to put it, is still angry about my mom choosing my dad. She had described my dad as being useless, weak, and a waste of space, along with some racial slurs. She chose her words and she chose the wrong ones. 

*iPhone ringtone*

I picked up my phone and told my friends that I would be right back, then quickly answered, seeing who was calling, "Hey babe! Are you at the airport now?" I heard Ariana's voice on the other end with happiness shining through the phone. 

"Yeah, I've been here for a bit, just waiting for my flight."

"It sucks that I won't be able to see you when you get back. But I'm in New York on the 14th, as you know, and then we can catch up. I want to hear everything about your trip in person... although I have heard lots from you calling and sending the videos... how are you with the family thing?"

"It is what it is. Nothing to be extremely upset about."

"Are you sure? Not long ago, you were so excited and anxious to see them... now you know the reality of it.

"I'm sure. I got enough family already." I was thinking of saying she's my family too but it's too soon. It's been about 3 months with her and a big chunk involved her ignoring me. I need to know her more. 

Loud on the airport speakers, I could hear them call the flight to Dublin and my zone number. "Hey, I have to go now. But, I'll call you in Dublin." I said. 

"Ok, and just to quickly mention, I bought a place in New York, bye babe." A quick string a words led to an ended call. Although, I still managed to pick out what she had said. A place in New York. Wow. 

A/N: Please like & comment to let me know if anyone likes this story. Give me any feedback! Negative or positive.

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