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Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

L.A., California

Ariana POV

"Hey wanna go grab some lunch?" I walked in the room to ask Brian and Scott. They gave me weird looks.

It might be because I'm usually the one being asked. Not for stupid sexist rules but for the fact that... I've been known for forgetting to break from my work... "Are you okay?" Scott asked me and I nodded in response. "Well..." He looked at Brian and got another nodding response. "Sure."

"Okay, I'll meet you guys out by my car!" I said smiling and leaving the room.

These past few days have been different than my normal pace. Usually when I go away, the second I land back home, I go full out. But, suddenly there's just been a shift in my mindset.

Yes, my music is my job. My music is for my fans.

But, my music is mostly for me. My music is my passion. It's not going to be good if I don't stop to live life. Collect those experiences in order for me to make my passion work.

Anyway, the ones that really know me, know my work ethic. People around me were glad to notice I haven't been overworking. Honestly, my overworking had a lot to do with trying to push past feelings. Getting rid of the negativity in my head.

I'm not feeling that negativity like I used to. I'm ... feeling happier... more content.


We were walking back from having danced through most of the night. I was smiling from ear to ear. The sky was as clear as it could get for this area but it was beautiful. The snow was falling, the air wasn't too cold.

"I'm so happy that I got to bring you there. Did you enjoy it?" Y/N asked. I knew he probably had the answer but was needing to confirm.

I nodded my head and responded in words. "It was so much fun! I haven't had a night like that in a while... I felt like myself... more? If that makes sense," I told him with excitement.

He nodded his head, understanding what I said. "You said 'in a while'... that you haven't had a night like that in a while. Why?" He asked.

"Well, I've went out but there was still that fear. That people would recognize me. The fear of publicity and them taking things out of context. I've taught myself to ignore the false information but, it still gets to me sometimes... and I also haven't truly relaxed for a while." I admitted to him.

Y/N stopped to look at me, registering the words that he heard, "Everyone should remember that life isn't a race to the end. Everyone has a different path, a different pace. The memorable moments include the ones that aren't forced, the ones powered by a free spirit."

After saying that, he had decided to offer me a piggy back ride. I gladly accepted and we went the rest of the way like that. We still talked, about ransoms things, about anything and everything. The world is infinite to its thoughts.

End of Flashback

He doesn't push his opinion. But he speaks, voiced his beliefs. It's good to have different perspectives, new things said.

Y/N is giving me a bit of a new look at life.

"So what's up with you?" We were seated in a restaurant, conversation was smooth until now. A bit of a pause in the flow as Brian was questioning me.

"Yeah, you're different... not a bad different! No, it's good. It's a... more chill you?" Scott said.

I smiled responding that, "Something... something has just changed me."

"Or someone?" They both eyed me suspiciously. "That guy you're seeing?" Seconds later they made disgusted faces, "Oh ewww are you... you know... doing that with him?"

I laughed lightly at them. They are always super awkward about that stuff. But it's understandable because I'm like a sister to them. "Guys it's not that. And... we haven't exactly done anything yet..." I shyly admitted.

"Really?!" I gave both of them a hard stare. "Oh no, we're not saying you're like uhh... easy or something. No!!! You're just a healthy sexual being of this planet...." I raised my eyebrows but gave a face saying that I got it. "So, what is it?"

"So yes, it has to do with him, we were talking about life, more specifically pacing it to a person's specific standards I guess?So some reevaluating of life happened... And I guess I'm learning to relax." I told both of them.

"Well. We like this different Ari. This guy seems good for you... not that the queen needs a man." They joked at the end and quickly laughed, doing a little bow while sitting.

A/N: Please like & comment to let me know if anyone likes this story. Give me any feedback! Negative or positive.

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