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Thursday, August 8th, 2019

Ariana POV

This is my 4th day being home on a break from tour. I love my work but I also love that break. Seeing family and friends makes me so very happy and keeps my energy going for the future concerts.

Tonight, I am at my mom's place for dinner. Nonna is here, Frankie, Mom, Courtney, Doug, Aaron and Y/NN. We are also going to have a bit of a game night which always makes a good time.

Everyone is sat down chatting away in the living room now. We have managed to make groups of talking; Frankie was talking to Courtney, Doug, and Aaron... Y/NN was talking with Nonna... and I was talking with my one and only mom. "Is the long distance thing an issue?" We were talking a bit about my relationship now. Mom was curious of how it is all working out.

"I think we are managing it well. It was rocky in the beginning but now I think we're strong," I told her.

"You guys have much different lives," Mom said. "To be honest, I'm surprised you've made it this far. How long has it been actually?" I responded with 5 months and she had that look on her face that was thinking it over but also a little hard to read. "And you really care about him?"

"He's like no other."

There was a comfortable silence for a few seconds before my mom asked me another question, "Do you love him?" I didn't have to think long about this answer. It was almost instantaneous.

"Yes." Her response to my answer confused me a little.

"I was afraid of that," she muttered under her breath but I could hear her, "Well, I have to take care of the food, I'll be right back."

Nonna was now talking with Frankie and Y/NN had joined in to talking with my friends. But he had overheard my mother and asked if she needed help. To which she told him that she would love some help. It was suspicious to me because what I thought was a supportive mother, was actually different opinions about who I love.

Joan POV

Ariana has had many boyfriends and honestly I have not liked all of them. I had only said I was afraid of my daughter's love for this guy because I don't want her to get hurt again. She's been heartbroken many times and each time just seems to numb her even more.

Y/N is an amazing person but he's 21 and that is very young. Yes, Ariana is 26 and it's only a 5 year age gap but, being 21 and 26 are very different stages of maturity. I need some reassurance somehow. "Didn't get to ask you the last time I saw you, but how was time with your grandfather and uncle?"

"It's only been Gia, Paco, and I for a long time and it made me happy to become closer with 'new' family. Both of them were great and I actually have some things in common. It's cool to have similarities that show more nature over nurture. Don't get me wrong, blood relation isn't what makes true family but it gives me a happy feeling to know these new people." Y/N kept explaining his family's stay here in New York. It's definitely good to know he values relationships with others, especially those he considers to be family.

I listened to him talk for a bit longer until I felt to need to but in and really get down to the test I've set up in my head. "Could I talk more seriously with you?" I asked and he nodded his head in response.

I thought about my words and clearly said, "I didn't think you and Ariana would make it this far." I heard a short breath from Y/N obviously making him nervous. "You guys are at different stages of your life and I figured it wouldn't be serious."


It's scary to think her mom doesn't believe in our relationship. I couldn't breath quite right thinking about the words she was saying. But I had to stand my ground and make her understand. "Even though we are at different stages, that doesn't mean we can't work. I really care a lot about your daughter."

"Caring about her isn't everything because you have to be able to grow with her and be a good partner," Joan said. Why was she saying this now? "I don't know if you should really be with her."

"I think that is between her and I more likely. I swear I have no intentions of hurting her."

"No intentions. But that doesn't mean you won't." The air was getting thicker as the tension grew. We were not looking at each other but I was feeling so flustered. I need to make her understand.

"I want to grow with her and I will. I don't want to leave her. I will never hurt her on purpose. I will do everything I can to make her understand that she is my whole universe." That may be too much but it was what I was feeling.

I looked up to see her looking at me. "Would you break up with her if I asked you to?"

I was really feeling beaten down. But I just want her to know my truth, "No."

"Do you realize that you are just a university student with probably loads of debt? You live with your siblings and one of them is young. Will you ever be able to leave your family for Ariana? Live with her? Will you ever become an actual partner to her? Not just some silly high school thing. She is a successful and wealthy woman with her own path and I don't want you to stop her." I'll admit her words were hurting. I don't think I could recover with any words at this point. I didn't know what to do.

One thought sat with me in the end. "I love your daughter. My mind thinks about her all the time, to make her happy and content with life." I explained.

"Sometimes love isn't enough." I couldn't win right now. I need to cool down.

I left the room mentioning my need for fresh air. As I paced outside of the place, in the streets, I couldn't help but overthink so much.

Joan POV

I went too far...

A/N: Please like & comment. Give me any feedback! Negative or positive. I am so thankful to all that have been reading this.

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