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Thursday, October 17, 2019

New York

Third Person POV

Time can change the hurry to tell the truth. When you put something off for so long, it seems unnecessary to let it rise to the surface again.

That's exactly what has happened with Ariana's secrets from the man who's been nothing but amazing to her. Over her time on tour, she's pushed down the fact that she slept with two guys who were not Y/N. The guilt was fading... getting farther away from her.

Now, she was back in New York, once again. Her plane had just landed and she was walking off. Her ride was there, waiting for her.

He was standing there, all tall and handsome with a basket of his girlfriend's favourite things. The guy had been missing her so much. Y/N's face lit up like the sun.

You may be able to push down guilt. But there's still things to trigger it and bring it back from the dead.

Seeing Y/N was making Ariana feel all of these guilty things. She was not a faithful and loyal girlfriend when she was on tour. She was not honest. She let jealousy get the best of her.

But she couldn't break his heart now.

"Ahhh! I missed you so much!" She ran and jumped at Y/N, causing him to catch her in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms wrapped around his neck.

Y/N couldn't control the feelings going on. His heart was so full. His happiness level was through the roof. "I missed you too," he whispered softly into her ear.

For him, Ariana was equivalent to that feeling when you know you're home.

"I got you this," he handed her the basket, once she got off of him and just went for holding his hand.

Ariana let go of his hand and while holding the basket with one hand, she used the other to sift through and see what he got. "I can't believe you did this. You know all my favourite things."

She reached her small hands up and grabbed Y/N's head to bring him down and kiss him with love.

Immediately when she kissed him, flashbacks occurred and she was remembering what happened with those other guys.

The kiss was short, as Ariana jolted back, which confused Y/N. "What's wrong?" He asked her.

"Oh... nothing. Sorry." She made up for the kiss and just powered through it, even though her guilt was eating her alive. "So, let's go I guess."

The ride would've been so awkward if Y/N hadn't talked so much. Ariana wasn't hearing what he had to say and he wasn't the best at reading people's emotions, especially if he wasn't focusing on their facial expressions.

Y/N was keeping his eyes on the road, for safety obviously. He was talking about everything and anything. Finally, he stopped after asking her a question.

The guy noticed he didn't have his girlfriend's attention. "habib 'albi?" (A/N: Now... I really hope this isn't incorrect translation: "love of my heart"... but well... Oof. If anyone would like to correct me, PLEASE DO SO!)

He frowned a bit, noticing that Ariana really reeeeaaaally wasn't listening. Y/N tried again to get her attention, finally it worked, "Huh?" She said as she popped back into reality.

"I just asked you a question. You zoned out? Are you ok?" He was worried about her.

"Sorry, long flight. I'm just in and out of my head, just weird," Ariana told him. That luckily checked out with her boyfriend. He didn't ask more, only suggesting a nap for her.

Ariana went with the suggestion of napping. 'The nap could pause the guilt I feel,' she thought.

"Woah, what's this for?" Immediately, as Ariana set down her bags, the tiny girl had quickly dragged her boyfriend to the bedroom.

She was on top of him, as she had pushed him onto the bed. This was the idea to rid her guilt. Ariana thought that sex could make up for the bad stuff she did to him. Lessening the likelihood of her needing to tell him the truth.

Sweetie, it doesn't work like that.

"We haven't gotten to do this is a long while and I've been missing it a lot. Do you want this to?" She asked, consent is key.

Y/N thought about it and slowed it all down. He softly kissed her lips and then pulled back. He was a more sensitive guy, he cared about the passion.

They both laid back between the sheets and looked at one another. Both with those 'I just had sex' smiles.

Ariana was catching her breath. 'How is he so good at that?' She thought. Y/N definitely knew how to work her body to get the best outcomes.

Just as everything had been coming to an end, the thoughts swarmed the singer's mind again. 'You slept with other guys. Tell him!' ... 'Maybe sex only counts if I get a orgasm.' ... 'In that case, what is there to tell?'

Y/N was observing the beautiful girl in front of him. His smile was bright and he just couldn't believe how lucky he was. 'I wonder what she's thinking about.' ... 'She's so gorgeous.' ... 'What did I do to ever deserve this goddess?'

Thoughts attacking. Her heart was racing. Ariana wasn't containing her feelings that well anymore. The singer started tearing up and then full on crying.

Her boyfriend was really worried now. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his body. Softly talking to try and calm her down. His hands softly ran up and down her back to comfort the crying woman.

Y/N wasn't sure what could have brought this. But there was no way he was leaving her crying. He wanted to comfort her and make her feel better.

A/N: Please like & comment. Give me any feedback! Negative or positive. I am so thankful to all that have been reading this.

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