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Third Person POV 

It's stupid to be scared to talk to someone that you've had many conversation with. But it's realistic when the elements of feelings overrides your ability to communicate. This was the current situation for Ariana as she walked out onto the balcony and lightly tapped on Y/N's shoulder while saying, "Hi."

Y/N turned halfway around to see the popstar standing beside him, a smile went to his face and he greeted her back then asked a small talk question, "How are you enjoying your night?" 

"I'm having a great time, but I noticed you didn't come back after getting a drink." Her comment ran through her head after saying it and feared that she sounded like an overprotective mother. Overthinking is common in all humans and for the most part, it is a curse. 

Thankfully Y/N noticed nothing deeper than the simple layer of the phrase and responded explaining that the introductions were getting a bit too much for him. He backed up with his appreciation to be here for her event. He's very thankful that the singer would invite him to something this important, "Also, it happens to be a very small world. I know one of the bartenders. You should really meet her, unless you have already, but still, she's awesome."

The New Yorker's excitement over the bartender made Ariana's blood boil, almost bringing out an ugly side of her, "Oh, that's great. I'd love to meet her." Her smile was the fakest of all fake smiles and the words leaving her mouth were lies. The next thing she said was a risky question that she may or may not have wanted to know more about, "So, is she like your ex or friend or-?" 

"Oh, she's a childhood friend, nothing more. I actually worked in her family's shop for quite a while. I could bring you there sometime when you're in New York," Y/N went on to talk more and Ariana was level of jealousy had lowered. She was still a bit annoyed that he continued to talk about the girl. 

She did however stop listening to her friend shortly after he continued talking as she got lost in his eyes. Her heart was beating fast and she really wanted to tell him how she was feeling. Y/N seemed to be fitting her dream boy image. Not perfection because no one wants that and it isn't ideal anyway. The dream guy that makes her feel comfortable to be herself and shows no unnecessary judgement towards her. "Y/N?" Ariana spoke before she was ready to and Y/N stopped talking and let her speak, making her panic and her heartbeat was ready to reach stroke level (Hyperbole? I think so.) "I- I uh need to say something important to you." He motioned for her to go on, "So, I'm so happy that you are here. I'm happy whenever you're around and even though you haven't been my friend for that long, I feel a strong connection to you. Stronger than I've ever felt before. And well- 

Sadly the slow but meaningful words were cut short when they were interrupted by Scooter who quickly noticed his words had cut in to something possibly important, "Hey Ari, you have to speak nowww. Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt something? I'll just leave.. but yeah, you need to speak now." 

When Scooter left Ariana explained that she really wanted to continue the conversation after speaking to the crowded room. She really emphasized the importance of them talking. 

The singer hugged her friend tightly and went back into the room. She stood up under the spotlight where she was set to say her thanks and appreciation for this event and the people who made it possible. Someone had gotten the attention of the sea of people and introduced the lady of the night. 

As she spoke, Ariana acknowledged so many in the room and the ones who couldn't make it. The ones in the venue were talked to straight forward when mentioned. She talked about the album and the importance of some of the songs to her. So much was said but with caution to not say the wrong things. ________________________________________________________________________________

Once the speech ended, everyone in the room clapped and Ari's eyes scanned the room and landed on Y/N who was clapping with a bright smile on his face. When they made eye contact he showed big dorky thumbs up which made her lightly laugh. 

She left her place in front of the crowd and made a b line to Y/N and also had to say quick responses to the short congratulations received by people on her pathway. 

Eventually the celebrity reached the guy who's on her mind. He congratulated her like many others had and she said a quick thanks before dragging him out of the room into a more secluded area. She shut the door and took a deep breath then continued with, "I really want to continue this conversation. It's super important. I really to explain this to you. I don't know if I can go another day, another hour, another minute, another second, another-" 

"Hey hey, breathe. You can tell me anything," he noticed her rambling and eager excitement to say whatever was necessary to her. 

Ariana calmed down a bit and then quickly went out with it, simple, straight forward, "I like you. I have feelings for you. I want to be more than friends. I don't want to be platonic anymore."

An awkward silence took over the room as Y/N didn't respond as quickly as the singer hoped. It was taking quite some time and he showed no clear reading. But, the response that was said wasn't expected, "I'm taken." 

A/N: Please like & comment to let me know if anyone likes this story. Give me any feedback! Negative or positive. 

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