8: Kacchan

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~~Izuku's POV~~

Sitting at the table I braced myself, I knew that I couldn't keep this from them forever, but I hoped at least it would have taken them a bit longer to dig the deep, well I mean I really don't it just shows how much they actually care about me, but still I don't want to be a burden on them, its why I took on all this responsibility, even why I learnt to do those things for my Mom, I still think she's the better cook though, I mean her Katsudon is truly heavenly.

'So lets begin at the start, as I assume you heard the end of my tale' I ask not expecting an answer.

'Actually young man I want to know WHY you mentioned Kacchan in that song, in a very diminishing light no less' Inko asked, forehead scrunched up with worry.

'I'll do you one better, WHO is Kacchan' Himi asked, pouring venom into that word

'And I'll do you one better, WHERE is Kacchan' Touya questions as he lit his palm on fire, eliciting a sharp 'Eep' from Himi.

'Ok ok ok ok, enough with your questions at the moment' I replied before they started to dig a little deeper without any actual information, 'Like I said lets begin at the start shall we?'

The three of them nod their heads silently, I pray to any God that's watching they stay quiet long enough for me to finish, especially Himi, I don't think I could continue if she broke down crying.

'Now let's start at the beginning shall we? So before I was born, my father ran away, he ran to avoid the responsibility of me, he never wanted a child and thought that if I had a strong quirk he could come in later down the line and steal me, make me his own and control me, be set of life' Izuku started as Inko gasped, 'How I know this? Simple, I hunted him down, he was my 21st kill, I hunted him for 2 weeks, tracking down every lead, hoping against hope that he died in some sort of freak accident where he couldn't be identitfied so we never got told, I prayed that maybe he was a strong hero who left to protect us but no. When I finally hunted him down and pinned him against the wall he was drunk and high, he was celebrating my death even month after I faked it, he was planning on running back to Mom, sob story in hand and begin again. He told me his plan he planned to come back when I was four if I gained a powerful quirk he would come back and sweep us both off out feet, swaddle us and mould me while making more of 'me' with Mom, however that didn't happen, so after he bribed the doctor to give him the results he was floored, so do you know what he did, he started circulating rumours about quirkless people, that they were a disease, they could infect others and so forth, the adults never took it seriously but it did start to be discussed in the homes, where the children picked up on it. Now you may be wondering, how did he manage to spread those rumours so fast and far, well the truth is none of us knew who he really was, including you Mom, he was a villain, one of the last of the group that rampaged through the world nearly two decades ago, killing as they went for no reason.'

Gasps could be heard from the other three, as Inko broke down into tears, only now understanding the damage she had caused by letting that man into her life.

'I-izuku, I'm so sorry, how could I have ever let this happen, please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you by marrying that man, I even though it was good he wasn't in your life, so you could grow up stronger' Inko sobbed

'Hey hey hey, I don't want to see any tears from you Mom, you didn't know about him, yet you raised me by yourself and now look, I'm a strapping young man who holds up a whole society'

'B-b-but still, if I could have know then maybe...'

'You couldn't have known Mom, do you know why?'


'I never let you, I never wanted to hurt you and I never wanted to be a burden on anyone like I was to my own Dad, even though I hated him he still had some control over me before I killed him, but anyways back to the story, he spread rumours, they spread so fast that a week after I was diagnosed, I was all alone, just imagine, at the age of four, all alone as the people around you deemed you as worthless. But did it stop there, no it did not. Two weeks after I was diagnosed I was by myself in the sandbox, playing all alone again when my childhood friend, Kacchan otherwise known as Katsuki Bakugou approached me, I was thrilled, he saw through the lies and came back, he truly was my friends, all those thoughts came rushing at me fast but the reality of the situation hit me faster as he used his quirk to explode one of his punches which sent me flying into a tree. Collapsing back I felt weird, turns out I had a mild concussion, three cracked ribs and A LOT of internal bleeding, looking up I saw him come near with small explosions coming from his hand again, he told me many things that day, he's even the one that came up with the name Deku as a way to make me feel useless, that day he left a lot more than physical scars and burns however, that was the day I realised I had no chance at becoming a hero. Soon the teacher saw and tried to treat me, bless her, but I was soon sent to the hospital, they classed it as a quirk malfunction, not even bothering to hear my side of the story. And with that I leant another lesson that day, no-one cared about me apart from my Mom and Kacchan's parents, the rest of the world threw me aside the moment I didn't get a quirk it was horrific.

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