50: Attack on camp P.2

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~~No-one's POV~~

The world stood still as the man forcefully revealed the number one villains identity, to those who knew it and those who didn't the shock was overwhelming, most of all to the boy himself.

But instead of causing him to freeze, it enraged him, something he guarded and protected not for himself but for those he loved. Taken. Stolen. Exposed. It was unforgiveable.

The boy obliterated the Nomu above him in a fashion similar to Overhall, splattering the blood in a perfect circle around him. The remaining villains' backed away shaking, the Nomus on the other hand, only advanced.

'You just lost Compress, now it's time to forfeit your lives... Jury, Static, Justice. Deal with them,' Izuku's voice rang out deep and terrifying across both parties

The three looked hesitant but jumped into action as soon as he looked directly at them, pure malice in his gaze.

The boy turned back to the Nomu and started to ignore the sounds of battle between humans behind him as he got ready for a battle between monsters.

The Nomu's circled him, like vultures to their prey, the three took every movement of the now unmasked boy seriously. The boy took the courtesy and did the same, this time forcing his body to break the laws of physics and produce only antimatter as three orbs floating around him, sparking off tearing literal chunks out of the ground as they annihilated, matter and antimatter.

Izuku coughed up blood but ignored it, sending the ball of death towards their targets, earning screams that to everyone there would haunt their every waking moment for the next few weeks. For Izuku at that moment their screams were bliss and merged with the screams of the others being damaged by the aftershocks of the attack.

'DEKUUUUUUUUU' A blond Pomeranian yelled flying through the smoke, quirk active, killing intent clear. He didn't get far though as a sharp blast of wind blew him back slamming into the mountain he and the others just escaped from.


A horrific voice screeched from within the debris, Red eyes emerged, completely unharmed, seemingly bigger and stronger.

'So you survived?' Izuku manically smirked, his mindset screwed so much at that point he lost all restraint, 'Well then, lets have some fun, Let's see me go no quirks against you'

The two charged at each other, their shockwaves larger than that of the three antimatter balls from before, clashes larger than anything All-might could ever hope to produce. Fists thrown faster than everyone else there could witness. Devastating blows that could level cities in an instant, being nullified by an equal blow from their opponent.

Izuku quickly axe-kicked the red-eyes into the ground, forming a much smaller crater than should have been due to its shock nullification.

'Interesting...' Izuku said plummeting towards the beast, 'Let's see how you fair without your quirks.' A menacing smile spread across the boys face. In a bright light the beast stood once again.

This time Izuku smirked, before dramatically raising his fist as the Nomu seemed unable to move out of the way of the oncoming attack. This time though, instead of coming through perfectly fine, nothing remained of the penultimate Nomu as it's quirks and very existence were erased along with the rest of its malicious brethren.

'Disappointing, I mean really that was the best anyone had to offer?' He let loose a chaotic and uncontrolled laugh, coughing in-between breaths as blood pooled out of his mouth into a puddle on the floor.

'IZUKU!' Ochako yelled. The boy looked up towards her, all evil in his features gone.

'Hey Mochii' Izuku whispered, falling into the arms of his lover, 'How'd I do?'

'Perfectly' She cried, seeing the boy she loved so much, torn up by his own hand, of course she saw what went on, he pushed beyond his limits for them, to stop them getting hurt. Well it worked but only for the villains source of damage, Izuku's collateral was a different story.

The boy raised his head gently over the girl's shoulder and looked beyond her to the devastating aftermath of the battle. Bodies lay strewn across the field, the villains all tied up in what he only assume were quirk resistant handcuffs. Students and teachers alike shared common injured, broken bones, deep cuts, slight limb impalement and for one Shota Aizawa, the permanent loss of the use of his eyes. The dust thrown up had irritated them to levels unbelievable, practically killing off the nerve connection.

Izuku saw all of this and more, his friends, his family, the people he didn't like but barely tolerated. Torn and broken because of him.

He tried to rise, using his girlfriend as a support, slipping over his own two feet.

'Izu... stop please' She begged him

He shook his head and pushed her off, crawling and dragging himself over to a very mangled Himiko with a very worried boyfriend beside her. 

The girl clearly took the worst of everything, the fact she was a close range fighter and she took hits for almost everyone, well her favourite snack was in plentiful supply that day, she just couldn't have any of it. Kage looked at the girl he loved with tears in his eyes. He didn't want to lose her, not after he just found her again.

She gripped his hand, but her strength was quickly draining quickly with the time she had left. Izuku saw all of this from next to his girlfriend and knew he could stop the inevitable, if only he could get there.

So he pushed onwards, tearing his skin open over the broken ground, crawling uphill with all of his remaining strength, pushing every already broken limit to unforeseen heights.

The girls breathing shallowed as her pulse started to slow, Kage's tears were on full display but not one of the more healthy and unharmed members of class 1-A came to support him. Permanently cementing their separation.

Izuku's final push landed him on top of the girl, too weak to move his body much more he started healing Himiko's body using his chest as a connection. Closing her wounds, restoring her blood. It was all easy normally but in his state, it was miracle he was awake.

The moment she was fully healed, she shifted, causing Izuku to fall of her. He smiled through the pain.

'Well I guess it was a good run.' He said fading into oblivion, oblivious to the shouts around him.


Heyo my precious beans

Am i ending the story early? Is this the grand finale? WHERE'S THE SONG?

kekeke don't worry, this is just the pre angst, nothing will compare to what's coming next :)

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