5: Saving the abused

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~~Toga's POV~~

Its been a few months since Izu saved me and since then our little family has just, grown sooooooooo big, The warehouse is now filled with families that these 'heroes' let down, people like me, they get me and they don't judge certain 'aspects' of me, they even help me from time to time, giving me enough to survive, though I have to say Izu's is the best, I don't know why but its the sweetest and most filling here, though I have had better before, I thought while pouting. 

One of the kids came up to me and whispered something in my ear, I nodded and asked if he was ok with it, he again nodded energetically as I pricked his finger and drank a few drops of his blood, turning into him. Smiling we both looked at each other, then running towards his mother we giggled like crazy as she panicked to work out why there was two him.

I really do love this place.

No, I love my new home and my new family

~~Deku's POV~~

Looking over the Todoroki house hold, I steeled my self, after all this time Endewhore is still abusing his family, I can't even see Rei or Touya, I swear if he so much as harmed either of them I will kill him. Glancing down though I could see that he wasn't home but the other three siblings were having a nice meal, smiling I saw the back of the bi-coloured boys head and the laughs from  Fuymui and Natsuo, I know how kind both of them are, but I'm worried for Shoto, I still can't see his face. Trying to position myself to get a better view I got knocked flying back, hitting the wall and looking up to see a tall black haired figure standing over me with murderous glint in his eyes.

~~??? POV~~

Standing over their house at my usual spot, I smiled that bitch of a man wasn't home and they all seemed to be having a good time, though it did hurt me that I couldn't be with them, I satisfied myself stealing glances at them, hoping one day to return, yet knowing that future was one I wouldn't get to live out.

Running my hands over my scars , I flinched remembering the cause for them all, protecting them from the world, but I was getting tired and I gave in, the LOV found me, gave me more scars and pushed me. Before I was on the edge now I was 10 miles from the fences, hundreds of bodies between me and them.

I sighed, looking out again before seeing a shadow on another rooftop, repositioning himself, trying to... SEE IN?! LIKE HELL I WAS GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN. Jumping across the roof tops I punched the other villain into the wall behind him, flashing my signature smirk before setting my hands ablaze.

~~Deku's POV~~

Glancing up I saw blue fire dance from the guys hands, fuck I thought, jumping up ready, where have I seen that before.


Running into the woods the small green haired boy let tears flow from his face from the pain he felt both inside and out, the burn marks on his skin and the feeling of rejection by his best friend, who told him that he was useless, that he should give up his dreams. As the tears fell, the boy managed to avoid the tress in his path as he came stumbling into the clearing, glancing around he saw a path into a dark shrub, taking it without a second thought.

Ducking through the shrubbery he emerged in a hidden cave, breaking down crying, letting his tears fall to the ground, not knowing about the raging fire and the two boys already there. One cowered away while the other walked up to the broken boy.

Hey are you ok?

*sniff*Why would you care, I just a useless Deku

The boy stared at him in shock, before saying, whichever fuckwit decided that your not important deserves to be burned alive'

You r-r-r-really m-mean that? The both sniffled

OF COURSE, everyone is worth something, no one is useless so I'm not going to call you Deku, because thats not your name, its an insult to who you would become, so tell me what can I call you?

I-i-izuku M-m-midoriya

Well Izuku, I'm Touya he said while offering his hand, Touya Todoroki

||Flashback over||

Dodging another another punch and streak of flames that seemed all to familiar my mind raced, who the hell was this guy, why was he here?

WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SPYING ON THEM, the attacker yelled


WHY, as evil as he is, it would break them, think about how society would treat them?, The assaulter pleaded

YOUR SOCIETY, I yelled back, mine would accept them with open arms, I WOULD BE THEIR SAVIOUR

SO THATS ALL YOU WANT THEN, the man yelled blue flames growing, TO HURT THEM MORE?, he continued lunging, pinning the boy to the ground.


Running through the woods the boy with the green hair had tears streaming down his face, from the pain of the insults his 'friend' Kachaan spat at him today, but for some reason they seemed to hurt more now he knew he was quirkless. Which brough the boy back to more tears as he felt the warm trickle of blood down his back from the scars he had been given, todays beating was unlike any other before and it hurt the boy so much.
Shivering at the voice the boy bolted forward to his secret spot hoping the other two would be their waiting.
Breaking into the clearing he made a beeline for the hideout, only to be struck from behind, glancing back he saw Kachaan rocks ready to shoot with explosions.
Wimpering the small boy wondered what he could do, if he called them they might get hurt too, but if he didnt, well he could take another beating.
While lost in thought the blond spiky boy dropped the rocks and darted forward placing a strike on the green boys chest, causing him to cry out.
'Aw calling for help? Too bad no ones here for a Deku like you, you're lucky I even do this too you.'
Raising his palm to strike again he grinned before blue fire filled the air.
A tall boy emerged from the shrubbery hand raised, releasing blue flames to push the blond kid away, while darting in front of the green one.
'Its ok Izuku, I'm here ready to protect you'
The blond boy stumbled back instantly recognising the blue flames to be the son of Endeavour, though as arrogant as he was, the look in the tall boys eye terrified him, causing him to run, knowing if he got caught in the flames his dream may end before it even began.
Glancing down the tall boy picked up the green one, taking back to the hideout, where they all slept together, drifting off in comfortable silence.
||Flashback over||

'TOUYA???!!' I yelled as the memories from all those years ago came flooding back
The man stopped, hesitating, 'Howd you know that?' He cautiously asked
Removing my mask, letting a smile slip through

'I never forget a quirk'

'I-I-zuku' he whispered, 'h-how, they sat you died'

'They said the same about you' I grinned, 'but enough of this, I have a question I've been dying to ask you since we last spoke, will you join me?'

'To do what?'

'Build a new society, one where people like your father never existed and 'heroes' don't run around ruining lives'


'With the quirk I was given by the society that rejected me of course, so brother, will you join me one last time?'

'As if I could ever say no to you Izuku' he grinned pulling me into a hug

*Tears ensue, he's still Midoriya I mean cmon*

'So, your scars'I whispered as he winced, 'If you want I can take them away, remove the scars this society has left on you'

His eyes lit up, 'REALLY?!'

'Of course you dumbass, now come here, its time to bring the touya I once knew back'


Hey guys sorry for the wait, school+issues = bad time

Dw I'm going to try and keep up with the updating

Finally you can probably guess some of my precious beans, but I will point a few of them out in the next chapter, enjoy :)

A new society(A villan deku AU)(Izuocha)Where stories live. Discover now