25: The lunchroom incident

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~~No-one's POV~~

After Shota returned with a big heart-warming smile on his face, Izuku explained to the two that he was going to send Oboro back to Izuku's home where there would be people to help and care for him during his recovery much better than anything they could do from inside this prision and considering Izuku technically captured the man he has every right to release him. Shota was a little hesitant but Izuku promised him once Oboro had a few weeks to recover he could see the four of them whenever he wanted to. The man relented and Izuku asked Esu to send the broken man back home to Inko who was waiting ready to help him in any way possible.

The three made their way back to UA where the morning lessons were about to come to an end, Shota allowed Izuku to make his way to the lunch hall and start eating before the rest of them.

He arrived and decided to be risky and try something called a burger and chips, though he'd heard of it he couldn't seem to understand why everyone was in love with the food... until he tried it.

The taste was overwhelming for the boy whose mask parted for the few seconds to allow food in and it caused him to go into a state of euphoria as the his taste buds basked in the flavours coming from the food. Because of this he didn't notice the bell or the flurry of students who had entered the cafeteria. He was also oblivious to the fact that he had seated himself on one of the largest tables, leading to the entirety of class 1-A deciding to sit with him, if nothing else other than to make sure he didn't kill anyone as almost the entirety of the the student body had been affected by him, either losing a family member or a firing from a corrupt company who had their main source of income cut. He also did not notice the absence of the two with the most complicated relationship, neither Himiko or Kurushimeru were present both for two very different reasons.

Soon the boy was pulled back to reality with a poke from Tenya.

'Hey Atlas, so where were you this morning?' The blue haired boy asks as he starts eating his udon.

'Oh nowhere special, here there other places, just things that needed to be done with Shota and Nezu' The boy replies happily taking another bite of his burger with the mask quickly opening and closing again

'Ah that explains sensei's absence but can you tell me something?'

'Sure Ten-Ten, what do you want to know?'

'Um, how are you eating right now?' The boy says uncomfortable with the absurd question, this causes the table to go silent as they too notice the odd situation.

'Oh that, simple one of my best friends made this mask to be used whenever, it's got loads of useful features which also includes mimicking my mouth when I eat, so I can won't starve but I can keep my identity a secret still!' He replies unbothered by the question, causing the others around him to sweatdrop at his nonchalance. 'But sorry to ask, where's Himi?'

'Oh you mean that blond you were with when you came in yesterday?'

'Yeah, she should be here?'

'I don't know she left just before us and said something to Uraraka, hey Uraraka what did she tell you?'

'Oh don't worry about it, she just needed to do something real quick but she'll be back soo...' the girl replied only to be interrupted by some commotion at the entrance of the cafeteria.

'DEKKKKUUUUUUUU' Himi yelled from where she was causing a commotion, causing the boys eyes to narrow as he noticed something.

~~Izuku's POV~~

'DEKKKKUUUUUUUU' I hear Himi yell from over at the cafeteria's entrence, silly she really must have missed me, I hope no-one tried to pick on her while I was gone, though I wouldn't put it past Kacchan.

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