51: Recovering before the end

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~~Izuku's POV~~

Ugh. that was a horrible sleep. Why am I so uncomfortable and cold. Why is it so cold.

I reach out and try to grab Ocha. She was always warm but no matter where I reached on the bed she wasn't there just cold uncomfortable sheets. I groan and start reaching around me.

I hear a door creak open and someone start crying, I don't really know why so I reach towards the person and fell Ocha's warm body, so I pull her close snuggling into her.

'Morning Mochii' I say to no reply, 'Mochii?'

My chest feels weird, so I reach down and feel it wet.

'Ocha?' I ask opening my eyes.

I was blinded by the bright white light around me, I blinked a few time, focusing on the girl in my arms. She was crying openly into my chest silently. 'Babe?' I ask worried.

'...please...please...don't...don't leave... please... not again' She mumbles into my chest.

'Mochii, I won't, I promise you I won't. I will never ever leave you.'

She smiled up at me and I smiled back at her. The memories from the camp flashed back over my mind. I panicked and gripped the girl in front of me.

'Ocha, how long was I asleep.'

'One day, why?'

'Please, I need to see them.'

She looked at me, confused until it clicked. She stood up and let me move around. I glanced around at the room, seeing a hospital setting. I shook my head, of course. I gingerly rose up and propped myself against her, pointing to the door and letting her lead me where I wanted to.

'Ochako, what did I miss...' I ask her as she opens the door.

'Well... as soon as you sealed us in, we all started panicking, some idiots started rambling about air until Kage hit him across the head and pointed towards the air ducts that would stop us, you know dying. Then Bakugo started blasting the door yelling profanities with others following suit, all trying to destroy the door in different spots. Sensei started yelling at them before telling us to think for a minute. Kyo then used her sound to find a weak point in the wall and marked it. All the while we heard screams and explosions making us worried about you. Then Kage, Himi and Neito all powered up using Kage's quirk and focused on that one spot, exploding the cave outwards. We charged forward... then... then' She started to breakdown in front of her teachers door. I caressed her hair, still leaning on her trying to calm her down.

I succeeded and she opened the door and led me in, where a green haired lady sat beside my favourite hero.

'Emi who's that?' Shota asked his wife

'Some of your students I think' She replied worryingly glancing at my physical state

'Hi Shota' I manage to say

'IZUKU?!' He yelled back

'Yeah?' I look away, 'I'm really sorry about what happened to you.'

'Izuku...' I look at him, 'Why are you apologising?'


'I'M THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE APOLOGISING,' I look at him shocked, 'You put us in that cave to keep us safe, I helped them break out. THEN I stopped you using your quirk while you were pinned by that Nomu, which then caused you to lose and let them pin you causing your identity to be revealed. THEN we had to fight in your stead because we messed up and we almost died. Izuku this is all my fault, I deserve this.' He lowers his head, 'But it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt that I can never see my beautiful wife again.' He started to cry.

I look shocked as Emi comforted him, yet despite all the sadness I smiled, 'Who said it's permanent Shota?'

'The doctors...'

'Well I think I know better than those wackjobs,' I pull Ocha to move me forward as I lay my hand over his eyes, 'You seem to forget I fixed Tensei's paralysis, healed you from the brink of death and literally broke the laws of physics at camp. I never did get to finish your eye treatment, so let's fix that shall we?'

I spent the next hour manipulating all aspects of Shota's eyes, fixing them, healing them fully even his dry eye, tweaking his eyes a little bit to remove any possibility to get dry eye ever again and fixing a few smaller health issues and deformities. By the end of that hour, I removed my hands from his face and he opened his eyes, looking directly at his wife.

'E-E-Emi?!!' He half yelled before he started crying, Emi following suit once she realised what I did. Ocha just stood there shocked before I gestured for us to leave, she nodded and we headed out, my goal to reach everyone who was still hospitalised.

And thats what we did, as her as my support we visited about thirty different people who got hurt, some had some broken bones, internal bleeding, quirk problems. I fixed them all, even some of my idiot classmates, though I still didn't get a single thank you from them. Just fearful looks, even from those who I had just healed.

The doctors caught on though around patient ten, Kyo, and stopped us in the hall. They pushed me to try and spill my secrets and tried to stop me from going to see everyone. There was lots of shouting and they even started using their quirks to try and force me to help some others, who by the way were stuck up idiots. At one point they even tried to call in security to have me, A PATIENT, removed from the hospital, yeah those guys were just as confused as me. Though after a quick phone call from Nezu we were left alone as they went home to... well rethink their life choices and change their pants.

By the time I got back to my room with Ocha, the sun had long since set but it was worth it. By tomorrow everyone should be discharged and we'll be able to head back to school, I know it's no replacement for the camp but at least it's something.

I snuggled up to my Mochii as she burrowed her way into my chest on that cold and stiff hospital bed.

'Night Mochii'

'Night Bunny' 

And with that I faded into a peaceful oblivion.


~~No-one's POV~~

A small group of people stood outside the door where the two lovers had just fallen asleep, a few had just been healed, a few came out unharmed and two of them weren't there to begin with. Yet despite this their glares at the happy two were sharp and full of malicious intent.

'How long?' Bakugo asks

'Yeah, how long until we can cut off that bastards head?' Sero and Yaomomo say at once

'Soon' Endeavour says, stoking and stroking his fire beard.

'Soon isn't enough old man' Bakugo whisper yells

'Calm down young Bakugo' Yagi says, 'Patience is a virtue, we'll wait. Thanks to our little tip he's weak now, it won't last long but I've used it and we have our plan, to finally kill that villain.'

'To get my weapon back' Endeavour says

'To save Urarka/Jiro/Todoroki' Bakugo/Sero/Yaomomo say at the same time.

The three continue to stare daggers at that door with one specific thought.

Your days are numbered... Izuku Midoriya

A new society(A villan deku AU)(Izuocha)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora