28: Questions

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~~No-one's POV~~

Inside class 1-A there was chaos, most of the class were talking loudly among themselves, not sitting their desks, or in the cases of a few(Mineta, Asui, Bakugo, Kirishima) actual fighting. You could hear the undignified noises from the unsupervised class quite easily from the door, which is where Izuku stood unimpressed with the majority of them.

'Ahem' The masked boy coughed from the door

The class fell silent looking at him standing there, many froze uncertain of what to do while the newly named Himi protection squad just smiled as the pieces came together from his ramblings at lunch.

'Is that anyway to respect your teacher?' The boy asked making his way towards the desk at the front.

'WHAT!' most of the class yelled back

'Please don't yell, those third year brats already did enough of that this morning'

'Wait you got to teach third years' Ochako asks stars in her eyes

'Yep, that's right Ocha, so I'm going to be doing something similar but first I think it's time for a proper introduction don't you think,' The class nods, 'Well then you may call me Deku-Sensei until Nezu finds out my name, those of you, you know who you are, can call me my other name, take it as a sign of my respect for you'


'Because Kaachan, they unlike the rest of you have earned some sort of my respect and I doubt the rest of you ever will, seeing the direction you guys are heading, buuuuuut that's part of the reason why this class is happening, so can I continue?'

Nods from the class

'Thank you, now this class is called Realistical Ethics and Morals, REM for short. This class is to help you overcome the corruption in your inherently based hero society, yes yes yes, I know heroes aren't corrupt, but that's a lie so suck it up. So the now we can get started on the lesson.'

'Um Atlas-Sensei where's Himi?' Tenya asked

'Oh good you noticed, seems like you're one of the only people who cares enough about your classmates to notice their absence, funny how no one else noticed Kurushimeru was missing yesterday until I pointed it out' The class shrunk back into their seats, 'Ashamed? Good, now for your question, Himi isn't here as she is also teaching you guys, so now we're going out for a bit to that big hall, I'm heading there now, but you guys will listen to Ten-Ten there line up and follow after a few minutes, fair warning though not all of you will come back to the lesson after' Izuku said before disappearing with a small pop.

The class gathered around and followed their class rep out willingly, albeit with lots of worried muttering. This caused some crazy theories to get thrown around, some said they would be killed or injured, some thought they would be expelled like they were promised on the first day of term, some thought they might be abducted but one was hanging behind trying to ready himself for what was to come, his chance to get his kitten back.

The class walked into the darkened auditorium, only to have the door slam shut behind them and a spot light fall on an area in front of them, they all took the hint and followed. Once quiet though the slight disappeared gain only to shift onto the stage upfront, illuminating a speaker, which then started playing music.

A/N start the song here if you want.


Why did you leave me here to burn?
I'm way too young to be this hurt

The class started panicking at the voice coming from all around them as they frantically tried using their quirks to look around, only to find no-one there where the voice came from.

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