48: Getting settled into camp

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~~No-one's POV~~

Class 1-B made their way back from the hot springs, passing their divided sister class on the way. Though it shouldn't have muttering broke out among them about how close to being like them they were and it scared the teens, even Kendo.

Class 1-A on the other hand, the entirety of it, was incredibly tense. It didn't help that Mineta tried to scale the wall to peep on the girls, only to be sent flying by an invisible force to a very pissed off Izuku with his mask still on even in the hot springs.

The class then made their way over to their rooms, excitement picked up as they started to finalise their plans, only to be shot down once they realised the targets they wanted were nowhere to be found.

They waited and waited, they panicked and spread out, they hunted. All in all their commotion woke up a very agitated Aizawa who informed them that they all had requested separate accommodation and since it didn't take a genius to see class tensions it was granted.

Meanwhile over in the shared accommodation for those who spilt from the class a small sleepover was happening.

'So anything interesting happening with you guys?' The unmasked Izuku asked as Ochako pinned him to the floor.

'Well apart from my parents being officially dead and the government trying to claim me into some sort of quirk development program, not much.' His girlfriend replied.

'My aunt trying to bond with me since she's technically my guardian' Kyouka yelled from inside her Pikachu's jacket

'Tensei's started hanging around with Kiego and Chrizome in his spare time.' Tenya stated offhandedly

'Really?' Izuku asked

'I know, I thought the same things.'

'Huh weird, what about you Sho?'

Shouto hummed, 'Well my Enji seems to be more of a dick lately and I'm finding him less and less tolerable. Though it might just be I actually care at this point or maybe he's noticed my change in attitude, who knows... OH WAIT.'


'All-might started to come over lately, I literally only just put the pieces together. He turns up in his skinny form then all I can hear is mumbling from the main room until they leave looking happy but weird.'

'Weird in what way?'

'I don't know, like happy about the wrong things.'

'So they're plotting?' Himiko asks

'Maybe? I really don't know'

'Well' Izuku says cuddling up to Ochako, 'Who cares, we're here having a massive sleepover, you guys get trained and you can eat my food in the mornings, apparently due to my Mochii's drooling thats a pretty good deal.'

'HEY' Ochako squeaked

'It's not a lie though is it Mochii?'

'... no'

The group burst out laughing at this and more things were discussed, though the three smaller children weren't there with their Papa, his thoughts never left them, occasionally checking up on them by stopping time completely with a new technique picked up just from being around Kage.

The smaller children though didn't know about this and just in all honesty, enjoyed being with he pros. Tiger was fun to play with, (Insert play dough theme tune), Ragdoll was really interesting, Pixie Bob was just very silly but Shino and Shota were their favourites because they were all three in one. It also helped Shino was related to the black haired boy or needless to say their interactions would have been more strained.

All in all, everyone except the remnants Class 1-A had an amazing evening, though all their fun was cut short the next morning by the training planned.

Screams could be heard from the opening clearing as those without Izuku's special training were pushed well beyond their limits, the training soon turning into a form of torture that they tried their best to endure. However for those who Izuku took interest in and help, even if for a short period, breezed through the levels the others struggled with, reaching limits that surprised every pro there, well at least the ones they could see.

Ochako was training her nausea, lifting ten massive boulders at once without breaking a sweat, all while floating herself and jumping around.

Kyouka's jacks had become considerably sharper, not even an hour in and she was leaving behind small cylindrical tunnels in her path up the mountain.

Tenya's training was more machoistic, tearing out his engines then proceeding to burn them out by pushing past his reciprol burst's limits time and time again until his starting point was just a pile of metal.

Shouto on the other hand was training a little further out as to not hurt others with his slightly higher level of power, quickly switching between both fire and ice he quickly formed All-might level craters in his path through the beasts forest once again.

These were just the students, the 'villains', as 1-A called them, Kage and Nieto had followed Izuku towards the largest mountain around, where he had effortlessly cut into it forming several training rooms with reinforced walls and specialised equipment for them all.

Nieto was at his max quirk copy limit, constantly flicking between them, trying to hold onto as many as possible for as long as possible.

Himiko was working on fusing not just people's appearances but their quirks too, thanks to a literal blood bank donated by six feet under.

Denki was burning through tesla coils increasing his brain and body's resistance to his own quirk while not going into dumb mode.

Kage was trying to manipulate Time and space at the same time to make his attacks much more devastating, carving his way further into the mountain.

Shinso however was partnered with Izuku, Shinso practiced keeping someone under his control when they fight back, while Izuku was both upping his mental fortitude and his control on the amount of energy his could safely manipulate by training in a place he called his mindscape.

The day quickly came to an end with pretty much everyone worn out, that didn't stop them from using the hot springs though.

What it did do however was cause them to groan when they were told they would be cooking for themselves from now on. Needless to say many sorrowful cries could be heard from pretty much everyone who didn't know how to cook and Izuku's friends whose cooking was good but nowhere near the boy's level.

The days passed and the nights were as fun as the days, with little exciting activities planned to keep their morale up and out of the mud.

On the fifth night it was a massive game of capture the flag, even the remedial students were let off to practice teamwork for it, plus considering the students could use anything on the land, it was more than likely someone was going to hold up in that building.

'Well then Kittens, FORM SOME TEAMS!' Pixie bob yelled as everyone but Izuku found their friends and started forming plans. 'OK, ONE YOUR MARKS... GET SET... G...'

'WAIT' Izuku yelled causing everyone to stop.

Shota looked at the boy worried, 'Atlas what's wrong?'

'We aren't alone Shota, I think some Nomu's survived'


Heyo my precious beans, 

So we are nearing the end of this book and I've put the first few chapter up of the next one.

Saying that I still haven't written the most important chap and it will take quite a few days until I even start, so last opportunity to pop back to chapter 6 and vote for the final song, like I said before, each one runs slightly differently, with different sets of angst :)

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